Saturday, June 15, 2024

Arizona funding for the Arts is in jeopardy.


From: David Zinke <>
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2024 7:06 AM
Subject: Arizona funding for the Arts is in jeopardy.


Dear friends and supporters,  


The final look at the latest budget proposal coming out today from the State of Arizona that could be passed by the Legislature in the coming week is still showing ZERO FUNDING once again for the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

 No Arizona Commission on the Arts funding means no funding for the Southern Arizona Arts and Cultural Alliance, and our countless Arts in Healthcare Programs, Artist Support Programs, free community events and festivals, Placemaking projects, culinary programs, and Education for youth programs. 

Your legislators and Governor Hobbs NEED to hear from you TODAY. We know we have asked often but are asking once again to your support – your voice can truly change the outcome of this devastating situation. 

 Tell them why eliminating funding for the Commission is devastating, and it will not just affect SAACA, but the hundreds and thousands of artists and powerful arts organizations that rely on this funding to continue operations and pay employees.

The most powerful message you can send will communicate the SPECIFIC impact this would have on your you, on your quality of life, on your community. Send a note today!

 Legislators need to understand that these dollars are supporting THEIR communities, THEIR constituents, and zero funding is NOT acceptable.

 If you do not have a specific impact story, or you don't have the time to add your message, just send the message we wrote for you. It could convince a legislator to hold up their vote for the arts. Just click the link below. 

We also urge you to forward this message to your friends, colleagues, and other stakeholders. We need as many advocate voices as possible. Let's flood their inboxes TODAY. Send a note today!



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