2005 Latino Producers Academy
( Aug. 3-12, 2005 )
Tucson , Arizona
THE LOFT CINEMA welcomes the National Association of Latino Independent Producers back to Tucson with their 3 rd Annual:Latino Producers Academy.
The Loft is proud to host the NALIP screening of the film Nine Lives with director Rodrigo Garcia in person. The public is invited to join the best emerging Latino and Latina feature and documentary producers and directors at a celebration of new Latino Cinema.
Rodrigo Garcia (son of Columbian writer Gabriel Garcia-Marquez) is both a director (Ten Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her, 2000) and a cinematographer (Danzon, Mi Vida Loca, Gia).
NINE LIVES tells the story of nine women, captives of the very relationships that define and sustain them, as they resiliently meet the travails and disappointments of life. Each of the film’s separate but sometimes overlapping episodes is a small window into an emotional junction in one woman’s life, each one captured in real time and each in a single camera shot.
The film stars Holly Hunter, Glenn Close, Sissy Spacek, Aidan Quinn, Robin Wright Penn and was executive-produced by Alejandro González Iñárritu.
The Los Angeles Film Festival program proclaims that, “Nine Lives firmly establishes director Rodrigo Garcia as a master chronicler of the intricacies of female lives.”
See the film that was a critical success when it premiered last month at the Los Angeles Film Festival. Nine Lives is also an official selection of this year’s Toronto Film Festival.
Admission: $10 (suggested donation)
NALIP's Latino Producers Academy is also supported by The Walt Disney Company, Nielsen Media Research, Univision, Fox Broadcasting, POV, The Rockefeller Foundation, The Ford Foundation, Cox Communications, The Hanson Institute, POV/American Documentary, UCLA's Professional Certificate Program, Access Tucson and the University of Arizona 's Media ARts Department.
This year, twenty Fellows in film directing and producing, plus documentaries will attend the 10-day intensive. Crews of professionals, SAG actors and seasoned mentors will be on hand to assist the feature Fellows in producing and editing select scenes, while the documentary Fellows screen rough cuts to Documentary artists in residence and professional mentors. Mentors this year include Hector Galan, Prudence Glass, Kino, Mauricio Rubenstein, Joseph Julian Gonzalez, Emilio Kauderer, Isen Robbins, Lynne Littman, Fernanda Rossi, Debbie Zimmerman and Gustavo Sagastume.
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