Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sale! Troubadour Theatre First Spotlight Camp!


From: Troubadour Theatre []
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2014 5:27 PM
Subject: Sale! Troubadour Theatre First Spotlight Camp!



Troubadour Theatre is having a weekend sale for First Spotlight Camp!  Through 11:59 PM tomorrow (Sunday June 1), this camp is in sale for only $115!!! That's $100 off!  Tell your friends!  You must register online to get this discount.  This discount cannot be combined with any other discounts or offers and is for students not already registered. 


Here's the camp info: 

First Spotlight
Young Actors Camp
Ages 5-11 All levels of experience welcome
Two Weeks June 2-13 M-F 12:30-4:30
$215 (this weekend only $115!)
Production: The Princess King


If you want to sign up for Broadway Bound musical theatre camp, do so ASAP, because this camp is nearly full!  Here's that camp's info:


Broadway Bound
Musical Theatre Camp
Ages 8-17 All levels of experience welcome
Two weeks June 16-27 M-F 9:00AM-3:30PM
$325, $25-$50 off for early enrollment
Production: Sound of Music


And Troubadour's other camp sessions still have some room in them, here's the info for those:


Rock, Roll, Repeat!
Rock n Roll Music Camp
Ages 12-18 Previous experience required
Two Weeks June 2-13 M-F 9:00AM-12:00PM
$195, $25-$50 off for early enrollment
Production: A live Rock n Roll Concert


Antic Arts
Comedy Theatre Camp
Ages 10-17 All levels of experience welcome
Two weeks July 7-18 M-F 9:00AM-3:30PM
$295, $25-$50 off for early enrollment
Production: 15 Reasons Not To Be in a Play

Mutant Academy: Camp for Comic Book Artists
Ages 10-18
Two weeks July 7-18 9:00-12:00 M-F
$195, $25-$50 off for early enrollment
Take home a published comic book you create.


All Camps Located at:

La Paloma Academy Central

2050 N Wilmot Rd

Tucson, AZ 85716


To register, visit  Click on the classes tab, and register online or download a registration form.  You must register online to get the sale price for First Spotlight.


Please like Troubadour on Facebook



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Gavin Kaynor's four short plays @ LTW/Etc. just this weekend : ignore the review in the Weekly !


From: Patricia A. McKnight []
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2014 9:56 PM
Subject: Gavin Kaynor's four short plays @ LTW/Etc. just this weekend : ignore the review in the Weekly !


            A little civility goes a long way. I was reminded of this when I opened the Tucson Weekly this week. Bad manners leave a lasting bad taste in the mouth.


            Thursday evening I made a point of going to Gavin Kaynor’s four one acts @ Live Theatre Workshop / Etc. because I had just read in the Tucson Weekly the snottiest, snarkiest, most mean spirited review I have ever seen of any theatrical production in Tucson. I would have gone anyway, but after reading that review I figured that 1) I was really likely to find the plays interesting and 2) Gavin & cast might be glad for a friendly face. Other members of the theatre community came to the same conclusion and were in the audience.


            Members of the Tucson theatrical community, familiar with Garvin’s work from the many plays he has staged for the Old Pueblo Players festival, will suspect that M. Scott Skinner had some serious personal problems with these plays, and that those problems had more to do with his own mishigash than with the   plays. Perhaps he is an NRA gun nut — who knows? (He makes a point of complaining that a gun appears in three of the plays, as if this were unexpected, given the theme of the plays! ) Whatever Skinner’s problems, his review in no way reflects the substance or quality of these plays — nor the performances of the actors. 


            The title of this production is Iraq in 3/3 time with a coda: A rumination on the effects of violence and war. (Given the title the presence of guns can hardly be a surprise. The critic was warned in advance.) The  plays are performed in sequence, with only the briefest interludes of dim light to reposition the two chairs which are the only furniture onstage. The audience is asked to “hold your applause until the end of TRUST THE SKY, the last play of the four.   


            Each play has a surprise hidden at its core and describing the action takes some wiggling to avoid being a spoiler. The audience should have the opportunity to discover the surprises for itself. 

       The first play is Audition.  A veteran of our most recent military adventures has answered an ad for what he believes is an audition for a play, only to discover that the ad has been posted by a civilian stalker who believes that this veteran had raped his sister and is the cause of her suicide. As the program notes the stalker (my term) “unleashes his own personal demons instead.” The actors are Eric Everts as the veteran and Jared Stokes as the brother bent on revenge. This is the first time I have seen Eric Everts and he is a real find as an actor. He is young, attractive, with good timing and clear articulation and insight into his character — and that of the vengeful brother. Jared Stokes has been developing skills portraying personnae who have something rotten at their core, very appropriate for this character, very convincing.


            In the second play, Guess You Know Why I’m Here, Jason Schutte is a veteran haunted by the death of a sergeant he had admired and loved. Jared Stokes is the “marshall” the boy believes has come to arrest him.  Jason Schutte “is an aspiring actor who is currently attending the U of A” and has appeared in two other plays recently. He understands his character. Once again Jared Stokes gives a credible performance — as a person whose identity is a surprise to the veteran and the audience.


            In the third play, Sniper,  Jared Stokes is a psychiatrist to whom a veteran, who killed his own brother in Afghanistan, has been coming for therapy. The brother had joined the other side; renounced Christianity; and become a “high value target” for American troops. His C.O. had insisted the veteran kill his brother. (Along the way we learn about the skills and calculations required to become an outstanding long-distance sniper.) This is the most powerful of all the four plays. Somewhere along the way the English language really got hold of the playwright. Gavin always writes good prose, and there are occasions when he excels himself and this is one of them. ("Every Cain,  his Abel ) Eric Everts is up to the challenge. Once again, his timing is excellent. His articulation is so clear (without being mannered) that the audience can hear him clearly even when he is speaking so softly that he is nearly whispering. He shifts mood skillfully. Admirable. I hope that Tucson sees many more performances by Eric Everts in many different plays and with a variety of theatre companies. He fits right into the age range which is most in demand. He is 25-40, tall, attractive, with an expressive face & a marvelous smile (seen, not on stage during these plays, but after the performance when he was talking with a friend). It is my impression from talking with the director that Everts is also a quick study.


            The last play, Trust The Sky, concerns "a young woman who considers the loss of her father on 9/11,” which brings us back to beginning for all of these characters. Nicolette Shoffer, is another young actor whom I have missed, who is "currently playing Eliza in Pygmalion.”  She creates a quietly affecting portrait of a close and  affectionate father-daughter relationship and tells us how the pain of his loss has lingered for her mother and herself.  There is no drama - just a quietly deep loss. 


            When I send out these blogs I try to focus on details which members of the Tucson theatre community would find especially interesting as sophisticated consumers of theatre. You see both achievements and possibilities in productions which may be missed by audience members who do not have your experience. A member of that community, whom I much admire, once commented that I am a "theatre junkie.” I appreciate and agree with that description. I am in good company with you (and with Shakespeare, who so loved theatre). Theatre is so powerful. I believe that theatre is heuristic, (so does Stephen Sondheim); that we learn from theatrical performances even as we enjoy them, whether they are comedies or tragedies. We can see ourselves and our friends — and enemies — and acquaintances - onstage and thus examine our hearts and theirs.  The Athenians of the 6th Century B.C. and subsequently knew this when they convened the festivals they called the Dionysia. All too often actors, producers, directors, techs, stage managers and musicians are so tied up in their own work that they miss the productions of others. (Carrie Hill has been trying to change this with too little help from others.) 

            Sometimes reviewers are so tied up in their  own issues, or in their memories of previous performances elsewhere that they have difficulty writing useful reviews. We can all appreciate the challenges of seeing a production, then going home to meet a deadline, to write a review before having absorbed the event fully.  (Note — I am including opera, ballet and other theatrical forms.)  I propose a remedy for the critics who prefer snark to support  — a steady course of reading the reviews written by Bernard Shaw.  Shaw was the best English language theatre (and music) critic in modern times. He could be very critical - but he truly wanted productions to succeed. (Of course, he also wanted them to be socially significant when possible. That can’t always be on offering.) He offered encouragement as well a suggesting corrections. We can always see a production differently from the ways others see it. Differences of perception and opinion are beneficial and desirable. Civility is desirable also, in contrast to snark and, as I said at the beginning, a little goes a long way.


            You know, you are interesting people, all of you. The richness of the theatre scene in Tucson is one of its strongest virtues, and that is due to you. Thank you for working so hard.     


Patricia A. McKnight


p.s. Theatre was used by the Athenians to spread and maintain their culture throughout their empire. Theatre in Medieval Europse was used to reinforce the teachings of the Christian Church. In present day U.S. it has helped change attitudes toward Gay men and toward those afflicted with AIDS. Given a little time we could probably produce quite a list of social attitude changes which have been assisted by theatre.  


Friday, May 30, 2014

Theatre Harmony Ensemble auditions for three original one acts


From: Michael Candela []
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 10:57 PM
Subject: re: Still casting


Casting Information:


New theatre company forming in Tucson. Producing evening of  three one acts as first endeavor.


Theatre Harmony Ensemble, a producing and directing theatrical company, formed over thirty years ago, whose credits include long running shows in Los Angeles and New York has relocated to Tucson.


Their first endeavor is a series of three original one acts to be produced in cooperation with the Comedy Playhouse July 25 – 27. Rehearsals will be varied pending cast schedules.  Auditions will be by appointment. Please send all submission electronically to  Also looking for a two directors. Those positions carry a small stipend. All three one acts will run in tandem from July 25 – 27. The plays will be staged but are relatively have relatively short running time with the exception to "Letter from Cowboy".


Casting breakdown are as follows:


Gun Play (Comedy)


In the dark of night, on a deserted street, in a not-too-safe neighborhood, a young would-be mugger appears before his in­tended victim, a woman in her forties, who is returning home after taking an emergency flight to another city. He claims to have a gun, she disbelieves it. He quickly proves he is not up to the task he has chosen, while she as quickly shows she is not easily intimidated. They exchange biographies, more or less. It also becomes clear that she knows much more about guns than he does. When he does decide, however, that he has heard enough and demands again money from her, the situation takes an unexpected turn.



Emma Frisky: 35 – 45.  A bit of a character, she almost has the appearance of a bag lady. She can be short or tall, thin or a tad round, but what she isn't is sexy.  Eccentric, and a little flakey looking, when the chips are down, she's much more on top of thing than she appears.  Not easily frightened, Terry's in for a bit more than he bargain for when he tries to rob her.  Cast


Terry Gray: 17 -25.  Tall, can be thin, or slightly overweight. He speaks in a menacing voice, but very quickly we realize that he is no robber. He barely knows how to hold a gun. Within minutes of the robbery it is Emma who beings to terrorize Terry.




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Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Tucson Pima Arts Council (TPAC) nominees for 2014 Lumies Arts & Business Awards

Celebrate This Year’s Stellar Line-Up

of Our Region’s Most Creative and Inspiring

People and Organizations

The Tucson Pima Arts Council (TPAC) is elated to announce the slate of nominees for this year’s 2014 Lumies Arts & Business Awards. This year’s cohort of exceptionally talented individuals, organizations and partners underscores the Lumies’ continued relevance to shining a light on the creative achievers who profoundly enrich our communities and our lives.

THE AWARDS CELEBRATION The Lumies will be held this year, under the starlight, in the gardens of the Tucson Museum of Art Plaza. The celebration is Friday, June 6th and begins at 6.30 p.m. with a catered reception and cash bar. Patrons will also have a chance to privately tour the Museum’s latest exhibit of contemporary art from Mexico, Miradas. The Awards Ceremony kicks off at 7.30 p.m., during which all the Lumies nominees will be recognized and winners’ names announced. To cap the evening, patrons can groove and sway to the psychedeliccumbia sounds of local break-out band Chicha Dust. Purchase tickets online or call 520.624.0595 x10

THE 2014 LUMIE NOMINEES This year’s nominees represent a spectrum of artistic pursuits and good works:


·         Folkloríco dancer, choreographer and teacher Julie Gallegohas inspired students for 30 years, while raising appreciation near and far for this vital Latino cultural form.

·         Diana Madaras is a well-known local artist, whose artwork donations have raised tens of thousands of dollars for local charities.

·         Mime Rick Wamer performs in one-man and ensemble shows around the globe and returns yearly to teach young people and promote innovative arts learning in schools.

Under the ESTABLISHED ARTIST category:

·         Kimi Eisele is a dancer, choreographer, writer, teacher, artist, facilitator and artistic director of New ARTiculations Dance.

·         Steven Eye is the founder of Solar Culture, a venue for local and international artists and musicians to showcase their work.

·         David Johnston is an accomplished actor, singer and tightrope walker who has worked with Tucson’s leading theatres.

·         Bill Mackey is an artist and architect whose interactive installations challenge viewers to question common assumptions about the built environment.

·         Exhibit Director Kevin Mills has created exciting hands-on learning experiences for young people, transforming the Children’s Museum into a major downtown destination.

·         Catherine Nash’s artistic practice is informed by intensive study of traditional and contemporary techniques from around the world, which she shares with her students as a long-time teacher.

·         Ben Olmstead and Simon Donovan have created some of Tucson’s most beloved public artworks, such as Reid Park Zoo’s Loxodonta Africana and now the Streetcar line’s Poet’s Head.

·         Adam Rex is a nationally known writer and children’s book illustrator whose The True Meaning of Smekday is being turned into an animated comedy by Dreamworks Studio.

·         Stage musician, teacher and composer Fernando Romero’smusical scores have attracted numerous awards for the multilingual interactive App and eBook series, Luca Lashes.

·         The Tucson artist Wil Taylor created the iconic poster for last year’s All Souls Procession, enjoys sold-out shows and donates artworks to benefit local non-profits.


·         Ben’s Bells’ handmade signature bells and over 50 community installations inspire, educate and motivate people to recognize the power of intentional kindness.

·         The Drawing Studio has for more than 20 years sought to develop the skills of visual intelligence in people of all ages and walks of life.

·         The Loft Cinema has been recognized as one of the country’s 17 leading art houses and whose range, quality and diversity of programming serves to create community through film.

·         The Rialto Theatre is an arts and entertainment cornerstone of downtown Tucson’s revitalization, whose wealth of creative programming draws large audiences from near and far.

Under the ARTS EDUCATOR category:

·         Janice Jarrett is an accomplished mezzo soprano vocalist, Fulbright Scholar and jazz composer, who has been a contributor to musical education in Tucson for decades.

·         Kevin Johnson is an actor and educator founded Arizona Onstage Productions in order to create thought-provoking and accessible theatre and youth opportunities.

·         Josh Schachter develops community-based media projects that give voice to refugee, immigrant and at-risk youth in Southern Arizona and as far away as Nigeria and Nepal.

Under the ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAM category:

·         At Broadway Camp, under Marie Gawne, students engage in developing a full-length Broadway musical with the mentorship of industry professionals and talented educators.

·         Christian Youth Theater provides affordable arts education to over 1,000 children each year, with theater classes, music lessons, summer camps, and full Broadway style productions.

·         The Tucson Philharmonia Youth Orchestra, considered one of the country’s foremost symphonic youth programs, provides young musicians with invaluable training and life skills.

·         The acclaimed Tucson Symphony Orchestra Education Program brings music to some 14,000 Arizona students each year, and takes students from novice listeners to professional composers.


·         Public Librarian Jennifer Nichols raised significant grant funding to work with youth on the research and design of a free media center for young people in downtown Tucson.

·         JCC Director of Arts & Culture Lynn Davis facilitates artist exhibits, the JCC’s Annual Sculpture Exhibition and the International Jewish Film Festival each year.

·         The Loft Cinema’s co-founder and Executive Director, Peggy Johnson, is the driving force behind the 42-year-old art cinema’s transformation into a successful non-profit cultural center.

Under the ARTS PATRON category:

·         Karen Falkenstrom is co-founder of Kore Press, Tucson’s first women’s press; In Concert! which presents world and contemporary music; Japanese drum ensemble Odaiko Sonora; and Rhythm Industry, the artist-owned performing arts incubator.

·         Michael Kasser’s patronage and service have allowed many Tucson arts organizations to thrive, as well as kept the doors of the Arizona Theatre Company open.

Under the BUSINESS PARTNER category:

·         Jim Click’s philanthropy has allowed many arts non-profits to remain operational, as well as served the University and the disability community.

·         General Growth Properties, owner and operator of the Tucson Mall and Park Place shopping center, has created thousands of paid opportunities for performing and visual artists.

·         Northern Trust’s contributions of financial support and leadership have strengthened many of our region’s leading non-profit organizations.

Under the new category of CIVIC PARTNER:

·         Arizona Public Media is Southern Arizona’s only media partner devoted to promoting the full complement of creative talent represented in our region.

·         As Board President for 5.5 years, Randi Dorman stewarded MOCA Tucson through recession into a new spectacular facility that today offers world-class exhibits and engaging public programs.

·         Artist and educator Stevie Mack has produced award-winning educational videos and today offers workshops and tours that foster cross-cultural and artistic appreciation.


·         The innovative contemporary dance company Artifact Dance Project  boasts successful collaborations with artists, composers, singers, filmmakers and more.

·         Exploded View is a storefront micro cinema that has become a hub for the avant-garde and a platform for our community’s ‘unheard voices.’

·         Lonely Street Productions has grown in five years into a nationally recognized full-scale music production company that specializes nostalgia-based entertainment.

·         The Tucson Pastel Society, under the vision of founder/president Becky Neideffer, fosters the skills and community for local pastel artists to flourish and donates to charity.

A very special thanks are owed to the extraordinary individuals and businesses whose generosity has made the 2014 Lumies Awards and Ceremony possible:

Spotlight Sponsors: Cox Communications, Event Program Sponsor; Structural Grace, Entertainment Sponsor; The Loft Cinema, Equipment Sponsor; KXCI Community Radio, Catering Sponsor; Tucson Museum of Art, Venue Sponsor; Pan Left Productions, Lifetime Achievement Video Sponsor; Desert Leaf

Candlelight Sponsors: Arizona Theatre Company; Supervisor Richard Elías; Clint Mabie and Debi Chess Mabie; Loretta Peto; Corky Poster; Rialto Theatre; Rusing Lopez & Lizardi, PLLC; Therapeutic Riders of Tucson; Tucson Symphony Orchestra

Donors: Betsy Bolding, Old Pueblo Printers

ABOUT TPAC The Tucson Pima Arts Council (TPAC) serves as the designated arts agency for Tucson and Pima County. A nonprofit 501c3 organization, TPAC works to strengthen the arts in Southern Arizona by providing arts organizations and artists with grants and professional training • overseeing the Percent for Art public art program • facilitating arts-based community engagement • and advocating for the arts as a mainspring of economic vitality and quality of life. Learn more by




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Invite to Maya Angelou Going Home Celebration - Phenomenal Woman

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbea Williams []
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 4:24 PM
Subject: Invite to Maya Angelou Going Home Celebration - Phenomenal Woman


"The earth has been tattooed forever with her spirit tongue." Sonia Sanchez
She meant so much to so many of us....... She made us feel...... She
enriched our lives......

Anyone who likes may have 3 to 5 minutes at the microphone, to read
something (poem, excerpt from her novel, story, or essay) by Ms. Maya, or
perform something (dance, vocal, instrumental) in honor of this Phenomenal
Woman who touched a whole lot of us and made a real difference in our nation
and beyond.

Please sign up on the facebook site (link below), add your name, poem,
etc.... so we don't have a lot of duplicates. We will compile a list.
Check back for updates......

If you can bring a healthy dish or drink to share. Potluck... Breaking bread

Sunday, June 8at 3:00pm - 5:00pm

We gather at 3pm, The Dunbar Pavilion - Lander Auditorium, 325 W 2nd St,
Tucson. Please park autos on the 2nd St side of the building or in the upper
parking lot behind the building.

Sign up of the facebook events site:

Peace and Justice,

Tucson Theatre Announcements List
Subscription information at

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Gaslight Theatre presents Ghostblasters!! Gaslight's Brand New Show & Summer Hit!

From: Becky Gilmour []
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 7:24 PM
Subject: Ghostblasters!! Gaslight's Brand New Show & Summer Hit!



The Gaslight Theatre

Proudly presents


Or "I Ain't Afraid of No Jokes!"

June 12, 2014 – August 31, 2014


Tickets and Information – 520-886-9428


Something downright strange is happening in New York! The city is being overrun with silly spirits and gruesome ghosts. There seems to be no one capable of stopping them from taking over the entire city. Or is there?  A hastily assembled team of misfit scientists, calling themselves The Ghostblasters, step into the fray to do battle with the supernatural! Will there untried methods be enough to stop all of the mischief and mayhem? For a spine-tingling and side-splitting musical comedy adventure, WHO YOU GONNA CALL?! THE GHOSTBLASTERS!!


Writer & Director – Peter Van Slyke

Musical Director – Linda Ackermann

Choreography by – Katherine Byrnes

Photographer – Brian Gawne


Opening Cast: Joe Cooper, Tarreyn Van Slyke, Jake Chapman, Mike Yarema, David Orley, Todd Thompson, Janee Page, Heather Stricker, Charlie Hall

Show Dates & Times

Preview Night – June 12, 2014 at 7:00 PM

Opening Night – June 13, 2014 at 7:00 PM

Closing Show – Sunday, August 31, 2014 at 12:30 PM


Regular Show Times through August 30, 2014

Tuesday – 7:00 PM

Wednesday – 7:00 PM

Thursday – 7:00 PM

Friday – 6:00 PM & 8:30 PM

Saturday - 6:00 PM & 8:30 PM

Sunday – 3:00 PM & 6:00 PM


The Gaslight Theatre – 7010 E. Broadway Boulevard, Tucson, AZ 85710


Ticket Prices - $18.50 adults/$16.50 student, senior, military/ $8.50 children (12 & under) *sales tax will be added to all ticket purchases


Media Contact:  / C - 520-834-3463




Tucson Theatre Announcements List

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TPAC hosts nationally acclaimed playwright Octavio Solis for workshop - free, open to the public


From: Tucson Pima Arts Council <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 5:50 PM
Subject: Extra Extra! Playwrights Workshop/Panels with Octavio Solis + Lumies Countdown



Latina/o Voices on Stage
S A V E   T H E   D A T E!
Saturday, June 28, 11 AM-3 PM
Sunday, June 29, 11 AM-2 PM

A performance of Lethe, written by Ottavio Solis.
The Tucson Pima Arts Council will bring the nationally acclaimed playwright Octavio Solis together with local and national theatre makers, for a weekend of professional development for theatre artists.

  • Saturday's panel discussion focuses on ways to build bridges of support for Latina/o playwrights in the American theatre community. A second panel will explore the emergence and impact of hip hop and spoken word in contemporary playwriting.
  • Sunday will feature a playwriting workshop with Octavio Solis, followed by a conversation with the playwright on his career.

Additional participants include Paul Flores (performance artist/playwright/spoken word artist), Amalia Ortiz (playwright/producer/performer), Mark David Pinate (Borderlands Theatre Director-in-Residence), Bruce Brockman (UA School of Theatre Director), Diane Rodriguez (Associate Producer/Director of New Play Production at Center Theatre Group, LA, and Theatre Communications Group Board President), Elaine Romero (Arizona Theatre Company resident playwright),David Saar (Founder/Director of Childsplay, Tempe) and Stephen Wrentmore (Arizona Theatre Company Associate Artistic Director).

All events are free, open to the public, and take place at the Tucson Pima Arts Council, located at 100 N. Stone Avenue in Conference Room 109 (see map). If you are interested in participating in the Octavio Solis Workshop, please RSVP to or call 520-624-0595 x10.
This opportunity is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and developed in partnership with the National Association of Latino Arts and Culture.

Pima Prospers:
Speak Up for County Support of the Arts
Pima County invites your input on a draft comprehensive plan, entitled Pima Prospers, that will guide the region's growth, conservation and community design for decades to come. This is a great chance to voice your support for increased County funding for the arts, in recognition of the role the arts play in improving quality of life and economic vitality (scroll to section 6.5, on p. 89, to learn more). Attend the Open House nearest you:

  • Tonight, Wed. May 28, 6.30-8 PM: Picture Rocks Community Center, 5615 N. Sanders Road
  • Friday, May 30, 10 AM-Noon: Ajo Ambulance Services, 1850 N. Ajo Gila Bend Highway (Ajo)
  • Monday, June 2, 6-7:30 PM: Andrada Polytechnic High School, The Commons, 12960 S. Houghton Road
  • Tuesday, June 3, 6-7.30 PM: Kirk Bear Canyon Branch Library, 8959 E. Tanque Verde Road

For more information, visit the County's website, call 520-885-9009 or email


Only Nine Days Left Until the Lumies!
Buy Your Tickets Online...

Photo: Tom Willett

Date: FRIDAY, JUNE 6th

The Lumies Arts & Business Awards will be held this year in the gardens of the Tucson Museum of Art Plaza. The celebration begins at 6.30 p.m. with a catered reception and cash bar. Patrons will also have a chance to privately tour the Museum's exhibit of contemporary art from Mexico, Miradas. The Awards Ceremony kicks off at 7.30 p.m., with Emcee and Host Ernesto Portillo Jr. All Lumie nominees will be recognized and winners' names announced. To cap the evening, groove and sway to the psychedelic cumbia sounds of local break-out band Chicha Dust.

View this year's stellar line up of Lumie nominees and learn more about their amazing accomplishments.

The $35 ticket price entitles guests to enjoy the reception, exhibit, ceremony and music performance. Those who only want to hear the band will be allowed entry at 8.30 PM for $5. Buy your tickets now or visit our website to learn more.

Special thanks to the generous Sponsors of the Lumies Arts & Business Awards: Cox Communications, Structural Grace, The Loft Cinema, KXCI Community Radio, Tucson Museum of Art, Pan Left Productions, Desert Leaf, Arizona Theatre Company, Supervisor Richard Elías, Clint Mabie & Debi Chess Mabie, Peto & Company CPA's, PLLC, Corky Poster, Rialto Theatre, Rusing Lopez & Lizardi, PLLC, Therapeutic Riders of Tucson and Tucson Symphony Orchestra.


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