Sunday, March 31, 2019

5th Annual Spring Fringe Festival Event Coming Your Way


From: Tucson Fringe Festival <>
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2019 9:33 AM
Subject: 5th Annual Spring Fringe Event Coming Your Way


Something Old, Something New

Join us April 28th for our 5th Annual Beer With The Bard,
a Shakespeare Themed Pub Crawl down 4th Avenue.

And stay tuned to our website and social media for information about our new summer event, B/l/ending Forms, a mix of visual and performing art exploring art as a collaborative venture.



Beer With The Bard

Join us once again for a guided tour to three locally owned watering holes downtown with a rollicking good time at each venue thanks to some of the most talented Shakespeare performers in Tucson.  The beautiful patio at Cafe Passe will once again host us, as well as SkyBar, the only bar on 4th Ave that's entirely solar-powered. And we're thrilled to be ending the tour at the brand new Box Yard. All info and tickets available on our website.



Beer With The Bard TICKETS





B/l/ending Forms
What do you get when you mix visual artists with some of the most innovative performing artists in Tucson? We're not sure either but we can't wait to find out. Artists of all media will work together to create works of visual and performing art, culminating in a free event at Steinfeld Warehouse on July 20th. Artist Applications are open April 30 - May 30. Follow us on social media and check our website soon for more details. 








Join The Team

As Tucson Fringe expands our events and offerings, we're looking to expand our team. We're looking for new board members, additions to our volunteer committees, and a few paid staff positions. Team members are expected to help plan and attend events, requiring just a couple hours a month. If you're interested in joining us in any capacity, email a resume or letter of interest to



Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information



Friday, March 29, 2019

Comedian Robert Mac Live at Laffs!


From: Tucson Comedy <>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 10:41 AM
Subject: Robert Mac: Live at Laffs!





Comedian Robert Mac returns to Tucson!

Monday, April 29th @ Laffs Comedy Caffe
7pm (Doors open at 6pm)

Long-time Laffs favorite and Tucson semi-native Robert Mac returns for one night only. Fresh from recording his second stand-up special for Dry Bar Comedy, he'll be giving a preview of some of that material as well as more of his ModeratelyAmazingComedy that has made him one of Dry Bar's most popular acts.

Robert Mac's award-winning comedy is smart, subtle, and occasionally silly. And always clean. His online video clips have been watched more than 10 million times.

Mac is best known as the Grand Prize Winner of Comedy Central's national "Laugh Riots" competition and for his appearances on Comedy Central's "Premium Blend" and NBC's "Last Comic Standing." He has shared the stage with Robin Williams, Adam Sandler, Larry the Cable Guy, and Patton Oswalt.

Early Bird: $10 online before April 1
Regular Price: $12 online beginning April 1
At the door: $15


Laffs Comedy Caffé

2900 East Broadway Boulevard

Tucson, AZ 85716


Buy Tickets




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Thursday, March 28, 2019

AUDITIONS for The Gaslight Theatre's Summer Show!

From: Heather Stricker-DeBenedetti <>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2019 3:41 PM
Subject: AUDITIONS for The Gaslight Theatre's Summer Show!





Upcoming Auditions for The Gaslight Theatre!

Saturday, April 13, 11:30AM




  The Gaslight Theatre is holding auditions for their upcoming 2019 summer show, "Space Trek," and our 2019 main stage season. 

Saturday, April 13 at 11:30AM


Auditions will be held at:
The Gaslight Theatre
7010 E. Broadway Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85710
Box Office: 520-886-9428

  The Gaslight is seeking strong singers and actors ages 18 and older. Previous stage and performing experience required. Please prepare one uptempo song, 32 bars only. Sheet music needs to be in your appropriate key. An accompanist will be provided, no recorded music. Please also bring your headshot and resume. You will also be required to do a cold read. All Gaslight actors are contracted and paid.

SPACE TREK runs from June 6-Aug. 25, 2019 .

Rehearsals will be Tuesdays-Saturdays from 1-4PM. Swings are not required to attend all rehearsals.

*Please be ON TIME at 11:30AM if you wish to audition.

For questions or more information, please email





Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information



Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Independent Film Arizona Meeting April 2 - 7 PM - STUNTS


From: Independent Film Arizona <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 2:52 PM
Subject: IFA Newsletter


Independent Film Arizona





Regular IFA Meeting

April 2 - 7 PM



Add Production Value,
Keep 'em Safe
& Indie-Film Budget Friendly

With Tucson Stunt Experts
Greg DeBenedetti &
Marty Freese

Rob Jenson
& Special Guest Speakers on Pyrotechnics & Explosions

Greg DeBeneditti

Tucson native with over 20 years in the film industry and a deep affinity for independent film makers. I was the stunt lead at Old Tucson from '98-'03 and have since performed in dozens of commercials, TV shows, movies, live performances and still photography shoots. 

I am also a business owner, professional voice actor and photographer because today's environment requires diversification. 

Marty Freese

Film Historian - Old Tucson Studios, Western Movie Historian, Actor and Tour Guide.  Marty Freese is an actor, known for films such as The Gundown (2011), Dual (2008) and Hot Bath an' a Stiff Drink 2.


IFA meets at the JCC - 3800 E. River Road
2nd floor - Multi-Purpose Room


Continuous Learning Series:  Six Week Classes


* SCENE STUDY - Mondays - 6 PM -

March 4- April 8, 2019


March 7 - April 18, 2019

$175 for series of 6 classes or $300 for both series
Drop-in Class Rate $35.
Next door to
Third From the Right Talent Agency
3227 N. First Ave (Ft. Lowell) Tucson, AZ 85719

Taught by: Genie Joseph

Great Networking Meeting


We look forward to seeing you at the next IFA Event!


IFA Website





Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information


The Tucson Fringe Festival seeking additional staff and board members


From: Tucson Fringe <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:45 PM
Subject: announcement


The Tucson Fringe Festival is expanding its offerings and it's staff and board!


The Tucson Fringe Festival offers 3 or 4 independent alternative performing arts events a year, including their annual Fringe Festival and Beer With The Bard. They're looking to expand their Board, as well as their volunteer staff (with some paid positions available, including box office managers and graphic design work). Board members attend one meeting a month are expected to help organize, arrange, and attend each event. Late December and Early January get a little busier with the big Festival.


Interested parties should send a letter of interest and resume to


Tucson Fringe Theater Festival

Twitter: @tucsonfringe



Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information



The Cactus Flower Comedy Festival starts Thursday


From: Tucson Improv Movement <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 7:30 AM
Subject: TIM E-News: CFCF is Here


TIM Comedy Theater


#CFCF Starts Thurusday

Join Tucson Improv Movement for storytelling, improv, and standup comedy featuring some of the funniest local & out-of-town female comedians and storytellers.  Three jammed back days with comedians from los Angeles, Phoenix, and across Tucson!  The Cactus Flower Comedy Festival starts Thursday night and tickets are now available at our website!

Shows Schedule:

Thursday, March. 28th
7:30 p.m.- FST! Female StoryTellers with Mel Blumenthal, Leigh Spencer, Cat Belue, Erin Whittig, Shannon Belle Deady
9:00 p.m.- Comedy Corner, Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed, Harold Omega

Friday, March 29th
6:00 p.m.- I Was Promised Magic, From The Top Improv, Almost Ready, Hudson Bae
7:30 p.m.- Stand Up hosted by Mo Urban with Autumn Horvat, Brittany Hanrahan, Cami Anderson, Chinna Garza, Comedienne August O'neal, Danyella Renae
9:00 p.m.- Ladies Who Lead - featuring some of TIM's teachers and coaches with stories by female leaders in the Tucson Community.
10:30 p.m.- Beginners and Veterans Stand Up Comedy Show hosted by Steena Salido with headliner Leslie Barton and Kerrilynn Gallagher, Sydney Thomas, Jessica Stapp, Katie Cocchi

Saturday, March 30th
6:00 p.m.- Ex-Boyfriend Improv, Hepburn, TIM Ladies Montage
7:30 p.m.- Improv Throwdown
Host: Susan Littlelion
Red Squad: Natalie Young, Amanda Brosseau, Holly Hilton
Black Squad: Sue Jones, Cathy Sproul, Theresa Jones
9pm: Best Show, Period with ¿Cómo se Dice?, JaxN Reed The Riveters, and Pumps Comedy



Imporv 101 Starts April 16th

Our Improv 101 class will teach you the two most important words in the improvisers vocabulary: "Yes, And." These two seemingly simple words open up the door to our six week course that will provide your foundation for comedy improvisation: team-building, trust, speed, active listening, and agreement. Over the six weeks you will specifically learn: grounded scene work, how to develop relationships, create characters, and cultivate the environment within improv scenes. Students learn to be fearless and have fun on stage using the TIM approach to improv.  Register today for Improv 101 with Emily Areinoff starting Tuesday, April 16th at 6 pm.











Beginners and Veterans take the mic Friday at 10:30pm!




Two teams battle it out for the "street cred" CFCF edition this Saturday at 7:30pm!




We are excited to welcome pumps back to the TIM stage Saturday at 9pm!




The Riveters headline the Best Show Period Saturday at 9 pm!



Tucson Improv Movement

414 E 9th Street

Tucson, AZ 85705



Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information




Tuesday, March 26, 2019

IFA Zombie Nightmare workshop this Saturday


From: Genie Joseph <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 4:10 PM
Subject: IFA Zombie Nightmare


This event on March 30th, Saturday from noon to 6 PM is the yearly IFA fundraiser, and the $25 fee includes one year of IFA membership, participation in a Zombie Workshop with Rick Wamer (who studied with Marcel Marceau) and participation in a short horror film.




Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information



IFA Zombie Nightmare Workshop

Cabaret Boheme: Stage Manager Needed June


From: Cabaret Boheme <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 10:10 AM
Subject: Stage Manager Needed June


Cabaret Boheme is in need of a Stage Manager for the month of June, 2019. Paid. Rehearsals some weekday evenings and possible a weekend exact dates TBD June 1-18. Load-in June 19, Dress June 20 Show June 21, 22. Pick-up rehearsal June 27, Show June 28, 29. Strike June 30. 


This is a vaudeville variety show. Please visit our website or Face Book page for promo video of show.


Contact: for more info.



Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information



ATCteen Stage Combat Workshop - free and open to anyone ages 13 to 19


From: Alina Burke <>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 5:57 PM
Subject: ATCteen Stage Combat Workshop



ATCteen Stage Combat Workshop March 30th 2-4

Saturday March 30th from 2:00-4:00 PM ATCteen is hosting a free Stage Combat Workshop.

Learn how to punch, kick, and choreograph fights on stage!

The workshop is free and open to anyone ages 13 to 19!



Workshop will be held at the Temple of Music and Art 330 S Scott Ave. 

Join us for our 2018/2019 season

Our World. On Stage -  Your seat awaits!



Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information



Monday, March 25, 2019

Etcetera Late-Night Series Offering Up Angst, Lost Love, World Travels and More in DEAR DIARY on April 13 and 14


From: LTW Publicity <>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 3:21 PM
Subject: Etcetera Late-Night Series Offering Up Angst, Lost Love, World Travels and More in DEAR DIARY on April 13 and 14


Live Theatre Workshop's Etcetera Late-Night Series presents:

"Dear Diary" from Ally Tanzillo is April 13 + !4


More from Ally Tanzillo:


(TUCSON—March 25, 2018) —From the shoeboxes in the back of Tucson's closets, Live Theatre Workshop's Etcetera Late-Night Series bring you an original night of middle school angst, lost first love, news of world travels, drug-induced revelations, and more. You sent in your best (or worst) diary entries and letters and we are acting them out for the world to see. Ally Tanzillo's particular brand of humor and heart is guaranteed to make this night of theatre hilarious and probably a little embarrassing.


Tanzillo's inspiration for the show came partly from re-reading her own youthful diaries. "Young people are so intense, but they don't have any context. I can't believe how serious I was about the lists I made – favorite albums, boys I thought were cute…And when I read submissions from others and talked to people for this project, I noticed that every person had a story in which he or she felt alone, but no one really was. That really struck me. I knew I could connect to that and make it funny."


Tanzillo began taking theatre classes at Live Theatre Workshop (LTW) when she was nine years old until she graduated from high school in 2009. She performed in two LTW Family Series shows while she was in college. Tanzillo is part of an improv duo with Gretchen Wirges called Ex-Boyfriend; they recently performed at the San Diego Improv Festival.


"When LTW Executive Director Michael Martinez and I got the idea for this show, I knew Ally would be just the right person to put it together. Her wit and on-point comic instincts mixed with her soul-baring honesty on stage and off made her the perfect person to do justice to these most personal writings that were submitted," said Etcetera Late-Night Series Director Maryann Green.


Tickets and Reservations: Tickets are $10 and are available by calling (520) 327-4242and online at


LIVE THEATRE WORKSHOP - 5317 E. Speedway Blvd., Tucson, Arizona 85712. Located on the north side of Speedway between Rosemont and Craycroft roads. Easy, convenient parking available.


The Etcetera Late-Night Series offers new and seasoned, local theatre artists the opportunity to create original performances that reflect the variety of Tucson's culture and population, with the goal of unifying all of us through shared experiences. It is the late-night arm in the Live Theater Workshop lineup and is directed by Maryann Green.


Live Theatre Workshopproduces inclusive, accessible and affordable professional theatre and theatre education that entertains, educates and enlightens children, adults, and families. Because art has the power to transform people and communities, LTW uses the performing arts to make a difference and pass on a passion for theatre to the next generation. LTW is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization supported by grants and generous people who appreciate LTW's Mainstage plays, Family Series productions, Etcetera Late-Night productions, and year-round theatre education for youth. Find LTW on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and at



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Unscrewed Theater Improv Drop-In Class - Mondays at 6:30pm


From: Chris Seidman <>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 2:35 PM
Subject: Unscrewed Theater Improv Drop-In Class


Starts Tonight!


·         Open to all improvisers, along with all past & present improv students.

·         1½ hours of non-stop scene work will sharpen your improv skills all. night. long.

·         Earn free tickets to Unscrewed Theater shows!

·         Facilitated by seasoned improvisers

·         Suggested donation $10




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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Carnival of Illusion @ Scottish Rite Grand Parlour - Tucson Season Finale


A UNIQUE Old-World Illusion Show perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, date nights, and special evenings!


Imagine a vaudeville-inspired theater show with old-world magic, add a twinkling hint of 1900's Parisian humor, shake and stir for 100 minutes for your passport filled with FUN! You are a passenger in this entertaining theater of illusion.


Sat. Apr. 13th           Tucson Season Finale


The landmark Scottish Rite Grand Parlour

160 S. Scott, Tucson, AZ 85701


Located downtown Tucson with FREE off-street parking, this beautiful Scottish Rite Grand Parlour has been stunning select audiences for 100 years.


Audiences 8+ years: This is a "clean" show for adults wanting a fun night out without children.


Seating: The show is held in an intimate boutique setting. There is never more than two rows of chairs in front of you with the same height.


Tickets and info:




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Arizona Opera presents The Marriage of Figaro


Arizona Opera presents The Marriage of Figaro



Saturday, April 13, 2019 - 7:30pm

Sunday, April 14, 2019 - 2:00pm


Figaro has fallen in love—but it’s complicated. On the day of his marriage to Susanna, Figaro’s master, the Count Almaviva, has set his wandering eye on the bride-to-be. Soon, everyone in Seville is scheming to achieve their own happy ending. But ultimately, only forgiveness can untangle this knot of love, loyalty, and misunderstanding. Overflowing with joyous music, Mozart’s witty, timeless tale reminds us what it means to be flawed—what it means to be human.





Free Opera Previews

Monday, April 1, 2019 - 2:00pm (Tucson)

Enjoy University of Arizona vocal arts students singing key arias from shows in Arizona Opera’s 2018/19 season. These free opera previews are held prior to each Arizona Opera mainstage opera. 

A narrator will give the libretto and a brief biography of the composer. “Say Hello to Opera” is held at 2:00 p.m. in the Oro Valley City Counsel Chambers.

The Opera Guild of Southern Arizona assists local voice students, both undergraduate and graduate, with scholarships, grants, competitive prizes and opportunities to perform for the community.

Cost: FREE 


Please Contact or 520-906-3792 for more help. 

This event is sponsored by the Opera Guild of Southern Arizona

Sponsored by

Opera Guild of Southern Arizona

Related AZO Performance

The Marriage of Figaro





Friday, April 5, 2019 - 12:00pm (Tucson)

Audiences are invited to bring a sack lunch and enjoy a second performance of Say Hello to Opera on Fridays prior to Arizona Opera's mainstage performances. OGSA provides free cookies, coffee and tea. These events are free and do not require prior registration. 

Additional information is available at


Grace St. Paul Episcopal Church 
2331 E. Adams Street


CONTACT: or 520-906-3792

Sponsored by

Opera Guild of Southern Arizona

Related AZO Performance

The Marriage of Figaro





Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information



Friday, March 22, 2019



From: Winding Road <>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 2:37 PM
Subject: Winding Road announcements - Eight 10s in Tucson, 2019-2020 Season


Four Main Stage productions and three Staged Readings highlight list of shows

Tucson, AZ, March 21, 2019 — Winding Road Theater Ensemble today announced productions for its 2019-2020 season, continuing its commitment to quality as Tucson' s "indie" live theater company.

Main Stage Productions

The season opens with the fall 2019 main stage production of The Little Foxes by Lillian Hellman, an American classic first staged at the National Theatre in New York. Directed by the Ensemble's Co-Artistic Director Glen Coffman, this morality drama about corruption and greed within a wealthy, early 20th century Southern family has been revived more than a half-dozen times since its premiere in 1939.

In December 2019, the Company will present The Big Meal, a hilarious, expansive tale that traverses five generations of an ordinary modern family in 90 minutes. Written by Dan LeFranc, The Big Meal won the 2010 New York Times Outstanding Playwright Award and received a 2012 Lucille Lortel Award nomination for Outstanding Play. This production is directed by Co-Artistic Director Maria Caprile.

In February 2020, Winding Road will stage Angels Fall by Lanford Wilson. Set in a remote part of New Mexico, six people find themselves in a small mission church, brought together by the closing of a highway due to a possible accident at a nearby nuclear facility. Sometimes brightly humorous, sometimes deeply affecting, Angels Fall becomes a parable of vocation and survival which, in exploring the lives of its characters, illuminates the human condition. This production will be staged as a site-specific work at St. Luke's Chapel and is directed by Molly Lyons.

The Company will end its 2019-2020 season with the second annual Eight 10s in Tucson 10-minute play festival. Playwrights from all over the United States are invited to submit scripts that are then juried "blind" by a panel of local playwrights and performance artists. Eight plays are selected to create an eclectic mix of comedic, dramatic, and fantastic stories for theater-goers, all in a single evening' s performance.

Page 2

Winding Reads

Once again, Winding Road will present "Winding Reads", a series of full-length plays presented as

staged readings at venues throughout the Tucson area. Selections for 2019-2020 include:

·         The Wrong People Have Money by Reed McColm

Popular York University professor Martin Delancey is challenged by a wealthy consortium of investors to conduct a serious study into the feasibility of an "impossible" endeavor. Delancey and his team encounter myriad obstacles in that study, but it may just tum a wild idea into a major business opportunity. The Wrong People Have Money is the funniest play ever written about moving Greenland South.

·         Christmas Break by Tucson playwright Monica Bauer

When daughter Lilly comes home from college with newfound passion, the McNally family has a big decision to make: invest in Lilly's scheme to end world hunger or pay for life saving treatment for the family pet. Add a teenaged son longing to be the center of attention and a retired monk looking for a place to land and you've got all the ingredients needed for a Christmas to remember.

·         The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort

A grieving mother from New Jersey roams the hills of Lockerbie, Scotland, looking for her son, lost in the crash of Pan Am 103. Loosely inspired by a true story and written in the structure of a Greek tragedy, it is a poetic drama about the triumph of love over hate.

Winding Road Theater Ensemble is a non-profit Tucson-based theater company. Co-founded in 2008 by Glen Coffman and Toni Press-Coffman, the Company is committed to telling dynamic theatrical stories that illuminate the human condition and celebrate theater's power to entertain diverse audiences. More information is available at the Company's web site,



Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information





From: Winding Road <>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 2:37 PM
Subject: Winding Road announcements - Eight 10s in Tucson, 2019-2020 Season



Four Main Stage productions and three Staged Readings highlight list of shows

Tucson, AZ, March 21, 2019 — Winding Road Theater Ensemble today announced the eight 10-minute plays selected for its inaugural production of Eight 10s in Tucson festival, opening April 26, 2019 and running through May 5, 2019.

Selected from more than 300 submissions from around the country, the selected plays include:

·         A Long Trip by Dan McGeehan (Chicago, IL), directed by Denise Blum

·         Arguing With Toasters by Matthew Weaver (Spokane, WA), directed by Chloe Loos

·         Benchmarks by Glenn Altermann (New York, NY), directed by Linda Andresano

·         Intermission by Joe Bardin (Scottsdale, AZ), directed by Tyler Gastelum

·         Love at the Louvre by Dianne Sposito (Bronx, NY), directed by China Young

·         Schrodinger's Gun by Greg Smith (Cleveland Heights, OH), directed by Samantha Severson

·         Stain by Oded Gross (Montclair, NJ) directed by Chad Davies

·         The Parrots of Heaven by Evan Guilford-Blake (Stone Mountain, GA), directed by Eddie Diaz

Eight 10s in Tucson will feature more than two dozen local-area actors, including many perennial favorites, supported by a core team of experienced designers and technical staff .

The Eight 10s festival will be presented at The Cabaret Theatre located at the Temple of Music and Art, 330 S. Scott Avenue in Tucson. There will be ten performances over the production's two week run, with 7:30 p.m. evening shows on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and 2:00 p.m. matinee shows on Saturdays and Sundays.

General Admission at the door is $28. Discounts are available for seniors, students, active military, and first responders. Visit for details.

Winding Road Theater Ensemble is a non-profit Tucson-based theater company. Co-founded in 2008 by Glen Coffman and Toni Press-Coffman, the Company is committed to telling dynamic theatrical stories that illuminate the human condition and celebrate theater's power to entertain diverse audiences. More information is available at the Company' s web site,



Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information