Thursday, December 31, 2020

Unscrewed Theater: Kick Out 2020 with a Smile!


From: Unscrewed Theater <>
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2020 9:01 AM
Subject: What are YOU doing tonight? 🎉






Sayonara, 2020!


We're ready to make 2021 the year of laughter

What are YOU doing for New Year's Eve?

Come join us online for some silly games and improv scenes as we say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021 the right way - with a huge smile!

Celebrate with our super-sized cast of improvisers for a special "Cheers to the New Year" FREE improv show starting at 7:30pm MST on NYE. Hang out with us in the chat and catch family-friendly performances from house teams Big Daddies, From the Top, Comic Chaos, and maybe a few surprise appearances as well.

Since our resolution is to make 2021 the year of laughter, the silliness doesn't stop on NYE!

Until our doors are open, you can join us online from ANYWHERE every weekend at our Unscrewed Theater House Parties.

And if you want to join us in filling your 2021 with silliness and fun - we've got all kinds of online improv classes just waiting for you. There's something for EVERY level. So, don't wait to embrace your funny! Learn what the power of "Yes, And..." can do for you!




Cheers to the New Year

Kick Out 2020 with a Smile!




Even though our doors are temporarily closed, we're still keeping NYE alive!

We're saying adios to 2020 with a special super-sized online extravaganza!

Starting at 7:30pm MST, you can join us online to start your NYE celebration.

We have an extra-large cast featuring sets from Big Daddies, Comic Chaos, From The Top and even some surprises!

It's our last show of the year, and we'd love to have you join us and participate in the chat.

Register (FREE!):



Friday, 1/1

10:00am MST
Get Your Improv On
🎶 Ten Minutes With Dawn 🎶

This week, Dawn welcomes Tucson's own Gretchen Wirges.

Gretchen is an actor, improvisor, director and playwright. She got her start in improv classes at Unscrewed and graced their stages for nearly 4 years as part of NBOJU and taught classes as well.

We're excited to welcome her back to Unscrewed Theater! Dawn & Gretchen make up a silly scene on the spot that's guaranteed to bring some lightness and laughter into your life.

Catch it all online, all on the Unscrewed Theater Facebook page.




Saturday, 1/2

7:30pm MST
Family-Friendly Improv Comedy

Make 2021 a year of laughter!

We're inviting an old friend to make stuff up with us online in our very first Unscrewed Theater House Party of the new year -- Eric Rau!

Eric is a member of our sister theater, Tucson Improv Movement and performs a long-form improvised film noir as part of local group Triple Indemnity. He'll bring his years of comedy and style to our virtual stage, along with Michael, Jon, Rosanne, Cy, David - & your host, Chris Seidman!

Register now for the link to join us on Zoom!

Register (FREE!):




New Year, New You

Make 2021 the Year of FUNNY




Improv Basics & Improv Blox

Starting Jan. 9

Make online improv classes at Unscrewed Theater your first, and best, New Year's resolution for 2021. Starting now!

We're kicking off 2021 with two courses: Improv Basics (for newbies!) and Characters & Spacework - for those who've already taken the Basics course.

Register For Improv Basics:

Register for Characters & Spacework:




Craig & Carla Cackowski 

Sunday, 1/17

11AM (MST): Be Your Own Action Hero!
3PM (MST): Dr. Cack's Improv Cleanse

Back by popular demand!

You might recognize them from Second City Hollywood -- or donning mustaches on episodes of "Drunk History."

Veteran improvisers Craig & Carla Cackowski are back for TWO virtual workshops on Sunday, Jan 17.

Classes are all online, so you can join us from anywhere!

Register For Be Your Own Action Hero w/Carla:

Register for Dr. Cack's Improv Cleanse w/Craig:




Scotty Watson

Friday, 1/22

6-9PM (MST): Online ShowShop

What the heck IS a ShowShop?

Inspired by the work of Elaine May & Del Close, you'll learn 4 basic principles of improvisation

  • Make active & positive choices
  • Support each other
  • It's an actor's job to justify (work with what you have)
  • Be seen & be heard

That SAME NIGHT, you show off your new skills in a live-streamed online show. It's a performance and a workshop, all rolled into one!

Register here:



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Monday, December 28, 2020

Winding Road Theater Ensemble presents Breathe Me In


From: Winding Road Theater Ensemble <>
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2020 6:14 AM
Subject: Our next production: Breathe Me In






"A lot of people expect me to be like, the cool black dude...the one who listens to hip hop and can dance well and is charming but, like, not so charming that it's intimidating to their friends. No one wants to date a black dude who plays dungeons and dragons and watches anime.

Breathe Me In by Rachel Lynett

After losing her hearing, Erin doesn't believe she can fulfill her destiny as the great musician she was born to be. Adam doesn't believe he can carry his race on his back, along with his autism. Together, they help one another find their true voice. A unique play of gentle humor and extraordinary beauty, utilizing American Sign Language and both classical and original music.
Rachel Lynette's original play Breathe Me In was a finalist for the 2016 Kernodle Award at the University of Arkansas /Theatresquared, and a semi-finalist at the 2016 O'Neill Playwright's Conference.

Breathe Me In features MJ (Jonathan) Barbee as Adam, and Kayleah Wilson as Erin, both making their Winding Road Theater debuts. Sarah Martino as Voice was seen in The Bar Mitzvah of Jesus Goldfarb in our Eight 10s in Tucson online play festival last summer. Piano music is provided by David Craig, with Callie Hutchison on violin. This play features original music by Colin Nossek. Artistic Director Maria Caprile directs, and Ensemble Member China Young serves as Production Manager.

To ensure the safety of our audiences and artists, Breathe Me In was rehearsed via Zoom and will be performed online only.

Friday January 15th 7:30 pm- Live stream
Sunday January 17th 2:00 pm
Saturday January 23rd 7:30 pm
Sunday January 24th 2:00 pm
Friday January 29th 7:30 pm
Sunday January 31st 2:00 pm

Tickets are $15 for all scheduled performances. Join us on Opening Night for a special talk-back with the cast and director after the show!  

But wait! There's more! In response to our patrons, Winding Road has added an ON-DEMAND option. Purchase your $20 ticket to Breathe Me In and receive a link to stream the show any time you like January 16th through January 31st! Please note: your ticket is good for one viewing only and will no longer be valid after the show closes January 31st. 

Please note: all scheduled show times are Mountain Standard time. If you live in a different time zone, please adjust to correlate to your local time.




(520) 401-3626




Buy Tickets to Breathe Me In





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Saturday, December 26, 2020

Winding Road Theater Ensemble presents Breathe Me In


Breathe Me In
by Rachel Lynett
Jan 15 – 31, 2021


Erin doesn't believe she can ever be the great musician she once was. Adam doesn't believe he can carry his race on his back along with his autism. Together, they help one another find their true voice. A unique play of extraordinary beauty, utilizing American Sign Language and classical music.
Breathe Me In was a finalist for the 2016 Kernodle Award at the University of Arkansas /Theatresquared, and a semi-finalist at the 2016 O'Neill Playwright's Conference.


Tickets and info:



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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Unscrewed Theater: Don't Miss our Holiday Funny


From: Unscrewed Theater <>
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2020 10:01 AM
Subject: Don't Miss our Holiday Funny





Don't Miss Our Weekend of Comedy!


We've got a good spot saved for you

Ready to celebrate the end of 2020 - and to make 2021 the best year ever?

It all starts now!

We've got a packed schedule of THREE shows this holiday weekend, so throw on your holiday PJs, break out the cookies and and join us on Zoom for our Unscrewed Theater House Parties. This weekend marks the return of our UNCENSORED house party, where we let our improvisers go wild.

And if shows aren't enough...

There are TONS of guest workshops and Unscrewed Theater classes starting up in 2021.

Improv Basics AND Improv Blox - Characters & Spacework both start on Jan 9.

And for our first workshop of the New Year, Craig and Carla Cackowski are back for TWO virtual classes. Hone your skills - and learn some new ones - with the best of the improv world. All online, so you can participate from WHEVER you are.



🎄Your Holiday Funny🎅

All times local to Tucson - join us from your home anywhere in the world!




Get Your Improv On

🎶 Ten Minutes With Dawn 🎶

Every Friday at 10:00AM (MST), we get to meet a new improviser from somewhere in the world!

This week, our special guest is Ethel Tan!

Ethel was born in Singapore and raised in Texas and Singapore. In her free time, she loves hanging out with her cats, painting her nails, and playing video games. When she's not busy doing those, she's hard at work at her day job in finance. 

Come watch our very own Dawn McMillen make things up and be ridiculous with improvisors from everywhere on the next Ten Minutes With Dawn.

All online, all on the Unscrewed Theater Facebook page.




Saturday, 12/26

Family-Friendly Improv Comedy

Get together (virtually) for some post-Christmas laughter.

Our special guest tonight is Krissy Lenz, joining us from the National Comedy Theater in Phoenix!

Krissy is a geek, a mom, and the Creative Director of NCT. Krissy is also the NCT's High School Improv League Administrator and Head Coach, an innovative event planner, and hilarious improviser. Krissy can also be heard on WHOA: A Most Excellent Keanu Reeves Podcast and A Most Excellent 80's Movie Podcast. Krissy can sometimes be seen on 3TV's Your Life Arizona as the Guru of Geekery.

Krissy will be making stuff up with Cam, Anna, Jon, Chris, Cy - & your host, Rob Sparks!

Register (FREE!):




Saturday, 12/26

UNCENSORED Improv Comedy

It's time for another UNCENSORED Unscrewed Theater House Party! Keep the kiddos in bed, because we're taking the filter OFF tonight.

Our special guest tonight is Dorian Lenz, joining us from the National Comedy Theater in Phoenix!

Dorian will be sharing the "stage" with Cy, Cam, Jon, Rob - & your host, Michael Pierce!

Dorian Lenz has more than 25 years of improv performance experience and has been teaching and Directing improv since 2003. Yikes. That's a long time. Dorian has improvised all over the world, including performances for US Troops and countless Team Building Experiences and private entertainment events.

Register (FREE!):




Sunday, 12/27

Online Open-Mic Night!

Note: May include adult language or situations

Improv teams from Tucson and beyond make stuff up for you live on Zoom! After all our teams have had a chance to perform, we spin the wheel and mix 'em all up -- so you never know who will be performing with who!


  • Wild Hip Boots
  • Where Y'at?
  • Shmendrix
  • Beta Testers
  • Parks & Wrek

Register (FREE!):




Just Say YES

To a New Year full of FUNNY




Good-bye 2020 and welcome 2021!

It's a special CHEERS to the New Year FREE Improv show!

We've got a super-packed night of virtual comedy starting at 7:30 PM (MST), so join us for some games, songs, scenes, and LAUGHTER as we say saynoara, 2020!

Register (FREE!):



New Year, New You!

Starting Jan. 9

Improv Basics
Improv Blox - Characters & Spacework

Ready to make 2021 the best year ever?.

Let us help.

Cuz improv changes lives.

Make online improv classes at Unscrewed Theater your first, and best, New Year's resolution for 2021. Starting now!

We're kicking off 2021 with two courses: Improv Basics (for newbies!) and Characters & Spacework - for those who've already taken the Basics course.

Register For Improv Basics:

Register for Characters & Spacework:




Craig & Carla Cackowski 

Sunday, 1/17

Be Your Own Action Hero!
Dr. Cack's Improv Cleanse

Back by popular demand!

You might recognize them from Second City Hollywood -- or donning mustaches on episodes of "Drunk History."

Veteran improvisers Craig & Carla Cackowski are back for TWO virtual workshops on Sunday, Jan 17.

Classes are all online, so you can join us from anywhere!

Register For Be Your Own Action Hero w/Carla:

Register for Dr. Cack's Improv Cleanse w/Craig:




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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Independent Film Arizona Zoom Interview with Director Gabrielle Evans Fields


From: Genie Joseph <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 12:15 PM
Subject: January  2021 Newsletter


Film Director Chooses Tucson to Shoot Her Feature Films | How Long Does it Take for a Woman Director to Get Her Film Made? IFA Interview wit‌ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ â€Œ 












How Long Does it Take for a Woman Director

to Get Her Film Made?

IFA Interview with

Director Gabrielle Evans Fields


Coming Soon to Tucson! 

To shoot her feature films --


Bio: Gabrielle Evans Fields 


Gabrielle Evans-Fields is the author of the forthcoming Bradley Nowell biography, "Roots of Creation" (Pegasus Press) and writer, producer, director 'What I Got'" with Jonnie Weston (insurgent, Divergent, We Are Your Friends). Her company and founder of the independent production company Silver Lining Pictures will focus on insightful, thought-provoking cinema. She has many years of experience in both casting and development from working with the best. One of her many strengths is unlocking each project's true potential by finding the depth within each film and developing the characters to reach their full potential. In both development and casting, she has natural knack for "seeing the bigger picture." Gabrielle has an eye for discovering talent and bringing the creative artist to the project. As a producer her credits award-winning BEST FAMILY FILM 2020, "Magic Max' with Parker Bates, (This is Us) "Garden Film Festival' 2014 award winning Best Indie film "Windsor" (Barry Corbin, Madelyn Deutch) Disney's Peyton Clark, Adam Hicks) including a great young ensemble cast. The film 'Runnin From My Roots' streams on Pure Flix with, 9 time Nominated Grammy Award Deana Carter and American Idol own country singer sweetheart Janelle Arthur with a single of the same title 'Runnin' From My Roots' went Hot #1 on CMT for 13 straight weeks.


With her long lasting relationships with some of the most respectable agencies from Paradigm, to WME, ICM, UTA, and CAA, Gabrielle was able to cast a small indie, "Painted Horses" (Madelyn Deutch, Lee Thompson, Caleb Emery, (Goosebumps) and Lind Hand (42) under her Silver Lining Picture banner. Gabrielle is set to produce the family film western comedy, Partners in Old Tucson, AZ. along with "The Land of Beyond Belief" (Caleb Deschanel-director) Melissa McCarthy, and Matthew McConaughey, a family adventure action film with Academy Nominated Stunt coordinator, Phillip Tan (Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana Jones, Inception) wth Jason Alexander, Ving Rhimes, Hayden Christian, Ryan Potter, (Big Hero Six) and Teo Helm (Earth to Echo) and a family film "Take Two for Faith" with Academy Award-winning actress, Octavia Spencer. Films include "August Falls" "Cutback," "Broken," "Garbage," and "Parasomnia" in addition to seven other films slated for 2023.












Director: Gabrielle Evans Fields












Date: January 5, 2020

Time: 06:00 PM Arizona Time







Independent Film Arizona is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: IFA Monthly Meeting
Time: Jan 5, 2021 06:00 PM Arizona

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 9811 1309
Passcode: 687758












See Zoom Link above.






Have you renewed your IFA Membership?  We could use your help!











JOIN IFA for just $25 a year and support indie filmmakers!






Special Announcements:

Due to Covid-19 Imposed limitations - since we can't hold in-person elections, as we usually do, the IFA Board has decided to maintain the current board for 2021. If anyone has a desire to get involved next year, please email:





Based on a University Film Course, work at your own pace, an introduction to all aspects of filmmaking.  Express Your Vision! Make Your Own Movie Now!













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Monday, December 21, 2020

Communication Method for Actors: CMFA Free Mini Lesson & More


From: Faith Hibbs-Clark, Founder <>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 1:12 PM
Subject: CMFA Free Mini Lesson & More


Hi, there Friend! I am so excited to be able to reach out to you wherever you may be right now and share with you some insights from my










CMFA Free Mini Lesson

& More








Hi, there Friend!

I am so excited to be able to reach out to you wherever you may be right now and share with you some insights from my very own Communication Method for Actors which combines the art of communication with the science of psychology to help you master your auditions with confidence!  


If my acting science is new to you, try dipping your toes in by registering for my next CMFA Discovery Seminar or jump right in with my 4-week CMFA Film Auditioning Foundations workshop!


I look forward to being a support to you and helping you to exceed your acting goals this year!


Sincerely Yours, 

Faith HIbbs-Clark, CMFA Founder

Casting Director for 20+ Years

Good Faiht Casting, LLC



Learn More













The Secret Every Actor Should Know About Callbacks!


I am going to tell you a secret about callbacks that most actors don't know. In fact, I hear a lot of professionals say the complete opposite when talking to actors about callbacks. What I am about to tell you is probably going to fly in the face of a lot of what you have heard before. This little known fact will surprise you. Best of all, it is rooted in science!


First, you have to understand a concept called THE PRIMACY EFFECT. It is a phenomenon that says that the human brain remembers the first of things and tends to have a cognitive bias towards those things. For example, you remember your first love, your first dance, your first car, etc. Your brain remembers these things because the information was new and unique to the brain, which formed an impression when imprinting in memory.


The same is true for you when you audition. Your first impression on the director can not be recaptured and the impact it has on the director can not be repeated because it will no longer be new. When the director sees you perform again at a callback, your impression on the director is no longer new and novel. It will therefore NOT impact their brain in the same way it did.










What other's are saying!

The Communication Method for Actors was recently featured in the Casting Network News!  
























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