From: Unscrewed Theater <>
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 9:01 AM
Subject: It's time to commit

We're Ready for the Next Level
Let's Get Serious

And We're Serious about being Silly
And since we're so no-nonsense about all our nonsense...we've got THREE live shows this weekend - plus a new episode of 'Ten Minutes With Dawn', our exclusive Facebook-only series that brings improv, laughter, and light to every Friday at 10AM MST.
So grab your electronic device and get ready to laugh with us all weekend long.
And if the Weekend of Funny isn't enough - we've got a new round of classes and workshops coming up in March.
Improv Basics, Starting March 20!
If you've ever wanted to break out of a rut and try something new, now is the time! And if you're a first-time student - we've got a scholarship opportunity available! Just fill out the questionnaire here to be considered. Deadline to apply is March 12! Register:
And more than that - March is literally THE month for musical improv. We've got two workshop options for those of you who want to work on improving your musical chops.
Improvised Song Form Workshop
Comfortable making up songs in your improv life? Want to refine the structure of those songs? Learn tricks to improvising (and repeating!) a chorus, creating emotional payoffs with taglines, and even some basic music theory to build a foundation for songs to make your audience wonder, "Was that really made up on the spot??" Register:
Scene Into Song
Guest instructor Nelson Velazquez has been involved in the improv scene for more than a decade. He's taught everywhere from Chicago to L.A., and he'll be bringing his talents to Tucson this March! If you're ready for the next level of musical improv, it's time to learn how to marry your scene work to support your newly minted song! You'll learn to make the story you're telling before, during, and after the song is cohesive and strong. We explore the fundamental building blocks of doing long-form improvised musicals here! Register:
Your Weekend Funny
So Many Chances to Laugh

Get Your Improv On
Friday 2/26
10:00am (MST)
🎶 Ten Minutes With Dawn 🎶
It's time for the best new series on Facebook - Ten Minutes with Dawn!
On this episode Dawn welcomes Jenn Bianchi to play around in her improv sandbox for another 10 minutes episode.
Jenn is an improvisor, educator, and actor based in the Chapel Hill, NC, area. She performs weekly with The PIT-Chapel Hill in addition to teaching classes and workshops online with The People's Improv Theater in New York City. She is also on faculty and a performer with the Queen City Comedy Global Improv project. She has been an active member of the Southeastern improv scene for the last decade.
Jenn has taught improv workshops and classes for DSI, Alchemy, Charlotte Comedy Theatre, ComedyWorx, and other nationally known festivals. She is a founding member of the all-female improv team, The Land Mermaids. In addition, she performs with Now are the Foxes, Elegant Pierogies, Sister Scavenge with Mandy Butler, and Bianchi & Byland with Elizabeth Byland. She has studied with instructors from iO, Second City Toronto and Chicago, The Groundlings, ImprovBoston, Annoyance, UCB, and many more.
Jenn is a big believer in discovering the joy in our work and personal relationships through the power of improv.
Bring some lightness and laughter into your life and check out the next episode of Ten Minutes with Dawn, only on the Unscrewed Theater Facebook page.
Saturday, 2/27
Family-Friendly Improv Comedy
We have a familiar face as our guest star for the 7:30pm House Party this week. It's Velvet Wells!
Velvet & Dawn had a blast moving from mind bees on their episode of 10 Minutes With Dawn. They talk about electric, vibrant colors and the unending curiosity of the universe in the follow-up vidoe: Ten More Minutes with Dawn.
Velvet is a Black, autistic, queer, velvet-voiced entertainer and facilitator from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He is the creator/host of "Y'Up," the international BIPOC interview-improv show, and also produces "Crooner," where he musically improvises made-up songs over his own backing tracks. Velvet is the co-founder of two successful troupes: The Dandies and OverDude, and the creator of multiple fun show formats.
Velvet will be joining Cy, Jon, Rosanne, David, Anna - & your host, Chris Seidman for a night of family-friendly improv fun, laughter, and creativity. Join us!
Register (FREE!):
Saturday, 2/27
UNCENSORED Improv Comedy
Tonight's guest is the fabulous Brenna Judkins!
Brenna Judkins is an actor & improviser who's joining us from San Diego! She's a regular performer with the Queen City Comedy team Smells Like Ghosts and hosts the 'What Even is Time?' Show & '10 Minute Treats'!
You can find more about Brenna (& check out some fabulous recorded improv performances) on Facebook.
Brenna brings a sassy and hilarious spirit to play with us on our virtual stage. She'll be joining our talented team of Jon, Allana, Susie, Rosanne, David - & your host, Cy Barlow!
They'll be giving you some no-hold-bars laughs that are made up all on the spot tonight. Join us for some raucous laughter.
Register (FREE!):
Sunday, 2/28
Improv Open Mic Night
Note: In spite of the early time slot, this event may contain adult languages or scenes.
It's time for another round of Sunday SmashUp!
Five teams from around the world perform a quick scene...and then we mix up the performers and mash them up with a new partner from a totally random team! Test your improv skills with us - and watch the hilarity as it happens.
Register (FREE!):
Save the Date
Something special is coming to a viewing device near you!

It's our Unscrewed Theater House Party ZOOM-iversary!!!
It hasn't always been fun performing through a screen. But it's given us the opportunity to connect with old friends and improvisers from around the WORLD.
And on March 20, we're celebrating one whole year of Unscrewed Theater House Parties!
We're SO grateful that we've been able to connect and laugh with you this year - even though it was through the internet.
Stay tuned for all kinds of special announcements for this event.
We've had so many amazing guests at our house parties this year - so you DEFINITELY won't want to miss who shows up at this one!
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