From: Unscrewed Theater <>
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2022 1:01 PM
Subject: More Family Fun!

We Wanna See Your Face!

Come on down for LIVE FUNNY!
We've got three family-friendly shows this weekend,
and one of them is FREE!
You can't beat that family comedy bargain.
Come down to our Vax Clinic
on Saturday afternoon
for a COVID or FLU shot
and we'll hand you
TWO FREE tickets.
Check out this weekend's shows:
And a Pop Up Vaccine Clinic on Saturday!
- Saturday, July 30th Noon - 3:45: Pop Up Vaccination Clinic in our Training Center, Suite 40, right next door to our theater. TWO free tickets for every shot given.
Mask up and come on down - or Live Stream ANY show from home!
Your Weekend Funny
starts on Friday MORNING!

Friday, 7/29
10 Minutes With Dawn
Improv With The Best!
This week - Kathleen Kenny!
Exclusively on our
Unscrewed Theater Facebook page!
Start your weekend on Friday morning! Spend 10 Minutes with Dawn and some of the world's best improvisers. This week, we're featuring Kathleen Kenny!
Kathleen, aka Kat, is the Improv Director & Education Director at Bob Carter's Actor's Rep in West Palm Beach, FL, where she's been teaching short-form and long-form improvisation to improvisers of all levels for the past 10 years - as well as acting classes for over 15 years.
She currently plays with Actors' Rep house team Friends with Benefits and understated, and Mod 27's Bananas Republic. She's been doing her lotto show "Get Lucky with Kat" for over two years, often guests with local improv troupes, and does as many fests as time allows.
She's coached multiple local improv teams over the years. She is proud to have taught workshops at the Tampa Improv fest, Countdown Improv fest, Palm Beach Improv Fest & the Improv U Improv Cruise, and is an instructor and performer at the Skyline Improv Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah.
In addition to acting and improv, Kat has earned the reputation of being one of the top coaches in audition prep for schools or the arts and college audition preparation. Kat & Dawn perform a short improv scene and then hang out to talk about life, the universe, and everything in it.
Start your weekend early with Facebook funny! Join us online every Friday @ 10AM for episodes with THE BEST!

Friday, 7/29
7:30PM (MST/PDT)
Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed
Family-Friendly Improv Comedy
In-Person Tickets: $5 Kids/$8 Adults
Live Stream Pass: $8 per household
It's Friday, and we're ready to laugh! Are you? You bet! Bring the kids of all ages and your best suggestions, or check us out from anywhere on the live stream!
Gail Adamitis joins us back on stage as host! Alan Trammel, Jon Benda, Cy Barlow, Mike Pierce, and Monica Link-Rhodes are ready to start your weekend off right!
Get Your Friday Night Family Friendly Funny Tickets Here!

Saturday 7/30
6:00PM (MST/PDT)
Improv Basics Student Showcase
ALL In-Person & Live Stream Tickets:
FREE ADMISSION! Mask up and come cheer on our beginning improv students as they strut their stuff and showcase what they've learned in our Improv Basics class. You can also join us from anywhere through our Zoom live stream! Hosted by Class instructor Scott Shaver.
If you're considering joining our August class, this is a great time to see just how much fun could be yours!
FREE Student Showcase Tickets

Saturday, 7/30
7:30PM (MST/PDT)
Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed
Family-Friendly Improv Comedy
In-Person Tickets: $5 Kids/$8 Adults
Live Stream Pass: $8 per household
Saturday night's all right for all-ages funny! "Not Burnt Out Just Unscrewed" is raring to go, and you owe it to yourself to laugh your face off!
Cy Barlow hosts - with Alan Trammel, Anna Lepa, John Reimann, Mike Pierce, Rosanne Crago, and Rob Sparks rounding out the cast of merrymakers. Bring your best suggestions - live from the theater or in the online chat. Make the show all that you'd like it to be!
Get Your Saturday Family Friendly Funny Tickets Here!

Ready to get your first shot? Booster? Flu shot? We're working with the Pima County Health Department to get you covered!
Come on down this Saturday - no appointment necessary. For every shot in the arm, we'll give you TWO FREE TICKETS to a show!
The latest info from the Pima County Health Department about vaccines, eligibility, and protocols are at

Improv Basics (starts August 6th) will get you started on your journey.
Emotions and Relationships (starts August 7th) will expand your horizons if you've already dipped your toes into the improv pool.

Mark your calendars! Our FREE Improv Drop-In Class meets in person AND online EVERY Monday @ 6:30pm Tucson time!
Just drop in in-person at our Suite 40 Training Center (with proof of vax) with Chris Seidman, or jump online with Jon Benda!
TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW THAT WE'VE WELCOMED BACK OUR LIVE AUDIENCE! (And if you know folks who prefer to stay home - tell 'em they can LIVE STREAM every show!)

When you think of fun, we want to be the first thing that pops into your head. Cuz when we think of fun, YOU are the first thing WE think of.
Improv without an audience is like. . . . . . well, it's like an ice cream sundae without the toppings, TV without sound, or tennis shoes without laces. It's OK, but SO MUCH BETTER WHEN ALL THE PIECES ARE THERE!
Every show is different because every audience is different, and we rely on your suggestions to make the funny happen.
So shout it from the mountaintops!
Or rooftops!
Or just text your peeps.
Cuz laughter is the best thing ever.
If you can see your way clear to donate too, well, that's just icing on the cake.
Just smoosh this 👇👇 button, and we'll say THANKS!

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