Saturday, January 09, 2016

Arizona Citizens for the Arts: Register NOW for Art Congress 2016


From: Arizona Citizens for the Arts <>
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2016 10:00 AM
Subject: Register NOW for Art Congress 2016


2016 Arts Congress is almost here...




Your Day at the Capitol


Don't miss your opportunity to make your voice heard at the State Capitol during Arts Congress, Thursday, February 4, 2016.


We've planned a full day of activities at the State Capitol from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The day will only be a success if advocates like you join us, and visit with your state legislators to talk about the impact of arts and culture in your community and the importance of public support for the arts. Lunch with the legislators in the big tent and visits to the House and Senate galleries.

Register now to be a part of the individual meetings with state legislators. This year we have expanded our workshop offerings to include:

Arts Congress for first time attendees
Overview of the Legislature
Arts in Education
Arts and Economic Development
Arizona Commission on the Arts
Storytelling in Advocacy

Register Today




Why should you attend?

1.      It's a great opportunity to get to know legislators, and explain the important positive impacts of arts and culture in your home legislative districts. 

2.      The 2016 legislative session will be challenging as we work to persuade state senators and representatives to vote for a $2 million allocation for the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

3.      This is the one special day of the year when arts supporters come from around the state to be seen and heard by the Legislature. 

4.      Your energetic support is critical to motivate funding for the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

Arizona Citizens for the Arts will provide you with talking points for your meetings with legislators.

Visit the Arts Congress page to learn more about the event. If you are new to advocacy, take a few minutes to watch Introduction to Advocacy and get your questions answered.



Individual Registration - $30
Complimentary workshops, meeting materials, snacks, coffee, lunch & water

Become a Sponsor - $130
Registration for four, opportunity to display materials at a table during event, recognition on our website and in in collateral materials distributed to the legislators.


Arizona Citizens for the Arts

420 W Roosevelt Rd Suite 208

Phoenix, AZ 85003



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