Saturday, September 14, 2024

Zach Wetzel presents DEMOCRACY SUICIDE


Oct 24th - Nov 3rd, 2024 MST

Unscrewed Theater, Tucson, AZ



Written by Ryan Costella
Directed by Zach Wetzel

Tik tok, tick tock...

Right and Left grow more polarized and extreme by the day.

While they know the current path will be fatal, Reason sits in agony, paralyzed in a cloud of disengagement. 

Tyranny's plan is coming to fruition, stoking the fires of extremism and hooking Reason to the drug of apathy.

Soon authoritarianism will win the day, and democracy will die.

With election season upon us, this provocative production rises above the noise and rouses the audience to look deeply within themselves to act and prevent tragedy.

PREVIEW: October 24 @ 7 PM
OPENING MATINEE: October 27 @ 2 PM
OPENING NIGHT: October 27 @ 7 PM
CLOSING MATINEE: November 3 @ 2 PM
CLOSING NIGHT: November 3 @ 7 PM

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