Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tucson: Casting Call, feature film trailer


Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 4:15 PM
Subject: [IFASA] Headshots requested



To all interested Actors:


We will be announcing casting very soon to shoot a scene from our feature film in development entitled Whisper To A Scream. The intent is to utilize the scene as a trailer while we seek investment for the project.


(Casting in the trailer does not necessarily guarantee casting in the actual feature but at the same time it could create opportunities for selected talent. In addition the trailer can be used for portfolio purposes for selected talent.)




In the interim, headshots and resumes/demo links can be sent to with "Whisper headshots" and your name in the subject field.




Below are the character breakdowns for the scene:


Mitch Kincaid: Mid to late 30's. Burned out paramedic fighting his own demons and struggling to keep his sanity working the chaotic streets of a big city EMS system. 


Kim McCoy: Late 20's. Brand new paramedic assigned to Mitch who's vigor, passion and independence will help to reeducate Mitch about who he is and what he really needs to be "rescued". 


Thank you,


Alan Williams

Organized Chaos Productions, LLC

"Whisper To A Scream"


Tucson Theatre Announcements List

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