Monday, February 22, 2010

Tucson: Filmmaker Mixer, Monday, 1 March, 6-8 PM, at Maloney's


From: [] On Behalf Of Brian
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 12:08 AM
Subject: [IFASA] Filmmaker Mixer, Monday, 1 March, 6-8 PM, at Maloney's



It's time for another IFASA social and networking get-together, so the March IFASA meeting will be a Filmmaker Mixer.


Location:  Maloney's Tavern (pool table area), the NW corner of 4th Ave and 9th St (213 N 4th Ave.)

Date:  Monday, 1 March

Time:  6:00 to 8:00 PM


As with all of our mixers, this is an opportunity to meet fellow filmmakers, make beneficial connections, and have fun!  Anyone who works in film, television or theater is invited to come and meet others in their respective fields.  Bring your headshots, resumes, business cards, and flyers.


Drinks and appetizers are 2 for 1 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM.  All food and drink costs are each individual's responsibility.  Otherwise, there is no cost to attend the mixer.


We hope to see many of you there.  And, bring your friends.  Everyone is welcome.



Tucson Theatre Announcements List

In association with  Chuck Graham's "Let The Show Begin" at
Visit the website for Chuck's reviews and TTA Archive and subscription information.




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