Saturday, May 12, 2018

UPDATE: Acting Classes: The Community Players and The Community Playhouse new education series


From: S B <>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2018 1:27 PM
Subject: Education series


The Community Players and The Community Playhouse are pleased to announce the first class in their brand new education series.  

Two adult focused classes and one class designed for children make up the series.  


The first, an overall look at acting and the art involved, doesn't just look at how those interested in being on stage can benefit from the class.  It makes the information relevant everyone in all aspects of life.  It can help people develop confidence in new situations, keep focused in stressful events, and get rid of the fear of public speaking to name a few.  You don't have to be an actor to benefit from what is being offered through this wonderfully engaging course work.  Hope to see you there.   Keep an eye out here for he upcoming announcements on our other two exciting courses.




$250 for this six-week course

$225 if enrolled before June 1st

Tuesdays, June 5 to July 17, 6:30 to 9:30 

The Community Playhouse

1881 N. Oracle Road 

Call 520-887-6239 to reserve your space in this worthwhile class



Classes will be conducted by Dan Reichel, who has taught all aspects of theater production for forty-five years. Dan is the artistic director of Speak The Speech Theatre Company in Tucson.


Explore acting for the first time or continue to develop your own personal technique. Class work will include : 


Voice and body work. Become more comfortable with your body. Develop confidence. 

Improv work. Understand motivation and the why of human communication. Overcome shyness. 

Character development. Walk in someone else’s shoes. Understand human nature. 

Scene work. Understand dramatic development and the roles of playwright and director. 

Homework. Reinforce class work through review and personal research.



Why Take An Acting Class? 


Anyone who’s taken any kind of acting class: whether it be a performance class, a public speaking class, an audition class, cold reading class, or an improv class, has always said it was the best thing they ever did. Taking an acting class helps you open up in ways you never thought possible.


Learning the art of theater and drama, with a focus on public performance, gives you selfesteem and poise. It can help you understand things about yourself that nothing else, besides maybe years of therapy could do. Taking acting classes will help you in business situations, in job interviews, even in personal relationships, both public and private.


What so many people fail to realize is that acting classes do more than make you jump around the room and speak in funny voices. They help you to understand the dynamics of communication and conversation, and the motives behind what people say and do in everyday life. Learning to analyze a script, or come up with an interesting character or monologue, will help you understand why a person may act a certain way, and what’s behind the actual words they are speaking. 


One of the most important focuses, for any performer, is understanding the WHY, or the MOTIVATION behind what someone chooses to say or do. When an actor learns to break down a scene, or a monologue in a script (and this is true for contemporary scenes, or even scenes in Shakespeare or Greek Drama) -- he is learning to break down what a character really wishes would happen in his life, and he learns what OBSTACLES this character faces in each scene to get what he wants. This same understanding can be directly applied to real life situations. 


In this acting class, you will learn to break down the dynamics of human communication, and learn to deal with issues of fear, love, trust, and mistrust, and how these four human emotions can and do motivate just about every action and reaction in a dramatic piece of writing. As a result, you, the acting student, begin to hone your own ability to break down the WHYS and HOWS of situations.


Learning these skills can be invaluable in your own life, in a million different ways -- and not just in a touchy, feely kind of, self-help way, but also to teach you how to be more powerful. As, say, a young man or woman in business, if you are better able to understand WHY your boss is treating you or someone else a particular way, this could end up helping you get ahead. Being able to READ people better, empathize with their problems, fears, and longings, and communicate with them more deeply, will help to make you a more successful person. And let’s face it, learning how to let go of your own fears, such as a fear of public speaking, is a good thing for anyone in today’s crazy, hectic world. It might also help you grow.



Tucson Theatre Announcement List for subscription information



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