Sunday, October 16, 2022

SOL AXÉ: OPEN HOUSE! JOIN US for our Winter Session!


Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2022 4:59 PM
Subject: OPEN HOUSE! JOIN US for our Winter Session!



Join our Winter Session!

It's a great time to be part of the Sol Axe Community!


Come join Sol Axe for our Winter Session!

We had SO MUCH FUN at Tucson Meet Yourself! Thank you to everyone who came to dance and expressed interest in joining our group! NOW is a great time to join as we enter into a session of review, learning new rhythms to add to this year's set list, and a few performance/class opportunities happening this session that will be out interacting in community!

If this resonates with you this fall, we would be excited to have you join us!


THIS Tuesday 10/18/2022

at Rhythm Industry Performance Factory, 1013 S Tyndall Ave

7:15 -8:45 PM.

We'll be offering a POTLUCK (if you are new or it's been a while, bringing a dish is optional!) of some Brazilian flavors, while we talk about our Winter Session opportunities, answer any questions, introduce the instruments and movement and PLAY MUSIC AND DANCE!

From this rehearsal onward, we will be meeting each Tuesday at the same time and place, with the exception of Dance Class Tuesdays.

Dance Class with Yarrow King will be offered in our rehearsal slot once per month through the end of the year! Sol Axe will be playing live for class, and those not playing are invited to dance - included in your tuition!

10/18 OPEN HOUSE - FREE and open to all exploring membership

10/24 DANCE CLASS with Yarrow King, included with tuition

11/1 -12/20 WINTER SESSION: will include instruction weekly, a November and December dance class, at least one community performance opportunity, use of instruments, and a t-shirt!

Everything begins at 7:15 at Rhythm Industry.


We are a nonprofit project under Many Mouths One Stomach and all of our members are volunteers. All proceeds of tuition and classes pay for space and storage rental, instrument purchase and repair, t-shirts, contributions to our parent group, and funding towards creating local residencies with our master teachers.

We look forward to having you be part of this community spreading collective joy through Brazilian-inspired music and dance since 2001!

Please feel free to visit our website link below and visit our media pages to experience some of our community events.





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