From: Tucson Improv Movement <>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2024 10:32 AM
Subject: Yes and News - 1/25/24
This is your last week to catch 4th Avenue Confessions until June. You don't want to miss this hilarious show, where they take your anonymous confessions and turn them into a hilarious comedy show. Does anybody remember PostSeceret? It's like that but funnier and live! This weekend also features the premier of Set Unlisted! After a long hiatus, we are bringing back this fun show on Friday nights at 9pm on the 4th Friday of the month. In Set Unlisted local stand up comedians perform their stand up sets, and then we take their set list and hand it over to our improvisers who didn't see the stand up set, to do an improv scenes. The amazing mix of improv and stand up represents double the jokes in one funny show.
Also on Saturday night Tootpole: A Musical Comedy Extravaganza and Finding the Words will entertain you with a hilarious show Saturday at 7:30. And you can't forget The Jam Friday at 6:30pm. Don't miss out on all the funny things happening this weekend at the theater! Get out and support live and local comedy!

Upcoming Shows
Thursday Night
7:30pm - Stand Up 201 Showcase
Friday Night
6:30pm - The Improv Jam
7:30pm - The Soapbox w/Eric Aldrich
9:00pm - Set Unlisted
Saturday Night
7:30pm - Tootpole + Finding the Words
9:00pm - 4th Avenue Confessions
Secure Your Seats at This Weekend's Shows!
Upcoming Classes
Improv Comedy
101 - Tuesday, February 3rd w/Sara Alcazar Silva
Stand Up Comedy
201 -Sunday, February 25th w/Mo Urban
Sketch Comedy
Coming Soon!
Register for Class Now
The Soapbox With Eric Aldrich
(Re)Telling Tucson's Story
Friday Night at 7:30pm
Eric Aldrich is a writer. He's a bunch of other stuff, too, like an English professor at Pima Community College and an animal lover. You can read Eric's writing in, Borderlore, Essay Daily, Maudlin House, and forthcoming in Diagram. His website is
Everyone has a story to tell. Four short and personal stories from our special guest at 7:30pm will inspire Tucson's premier improv comedy team.

Come try out improv in a fun safe environment at the Jam Friday at 6:30pm! Then stay for the Soapbox for just $5!

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