Esperanza Dance Project presents Emerging Choreographer's Showcase

Esperanza Dance Project (EDP), a Tucson-based non-profit organization committed to using dance to eradicate stigma, secrecy and shame associated with surviving childhood sexual violence, will host its annual Emerging Choreographer's Showcase on Saturday, June 4th. This event will include the premiere of 6 new works by emerging choreographer's, a performance of "House of Hope," EDP's classic repertoire, and an art exhibit featuring local artists. A reception with the artists will immediately follow the performance. Light hors d'oeuvres will be served. The event will be held at the Tucson Museum of Art Sculpture Garden, located at 140 N. Main Az, Tucson, AZ 85701. This event is open to the public. Suggested donation of $15.
Tickets are available now!
Doors will open at 5:30PM for this event and the performance will begin at 6:00pm(MST). In addition to the performance EDP will open the space for conversation by facilitating a question-and-answer discussion immediately following the performance. Local artists will be in attendance and an exhibit of their work will be available for viewing throughout the evening. Following the performance, a reception for the artists will be held until 8 PM. A cash bar and light hors d'oeuvres will be served.
Proceeds from this event will help EDP with the current goal of finding a permanent home. EDP has always relied on the generous donation of space to rehearse and produce programing. It has come the time for EDP to acquire a permanent home for rehearsals, peer advocate training workshops, and dance classes. Please attend this event to learn more about this exciting new journey.
For more information about donating to Esperanza Dance Project, visit
WHO: Esperanza Dance Project (EDP), a Tucson-based non-profit organization committed to using dance to eradicate stigma, secrecy and shame associated with surviving childhood sexual violence.
WHAT: Hosts Annual Emerging Choreographer's Showcase and Art Reception
WHEN: Saturday, June 4th, 6:00pm. This event is open to the public. Suggested donation of $15.
WHERE: Tucson Museum of Art Sculpture Garden, 140 N. Main Ave, Tucson, Az 85701
WHY: The event will feature the premiere of 6 new works by emerging choreographer's, a performance of "House of Hope," (EDP's classic repertoire), and an art exhibit featuring local artists. A reception with the artists will immediately follow the performance. Light hors d'oeuvres will be served.
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