Saturday, May 23, 2015

Live Theatre Workshop Etcetera presents THE F WORD


From: LTW Publicity - Stephanie Frankenfield []
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 5:05 PM
Subject: Live Theatre Workshop Etcetera Press Release



Etcetera the Late Night Arm of Live Theatre Workshop proudly presents




A new work of theatre conceived by Maryann Green.

Created by Allison Akmajian, Garrett Larribas, Ally Tanzillo and Walter Temple



Allison Akmajian, Garrett Larribas, Ally Tanzillo, Walter Temple, Maryann Green,


In November of 2014, Time Magazine published a list of words that had become so abhorrent to the population of the United States that editors of the magazine suggested banning them.  Among these words, amid non-words like "bae" and "om nom nom" was the dreaded F word.  No, not THAT F word - FEMINISM.  "When did it become a thing that every[one] had to state their position on…?"  which got show creator Maryann Green thinking "What makes someone a feminist?  Or not?  And who exactly is Betty Friedan and does she have anything to say to this generation of women?


From Anita Sarkesian's death threats surrounding GamerGate, to Emma Watson's tweets, from man-on-the-street interviews to online comics about unnecessary gendering of products like Lego bricks, from personal experiences to the Why I Don't Need Feminism tumblr, the creators of the show use every means at their disposal to explore the definition and relevance of the dreaded F Word.


Drama Queen Maryann Green and the cast of the show hope that the show, in some small way, explores varying sides of the issue, and sparks dialogue between and among audience and actors alike.  "The last thing I want is for this show to be a left-wing-man-bashing-soapbox-diatribe," says Green.


Another Drama Queen Production

June 19th, 20th, 26th, & 27th 2015

Regular Performances: Friday and Saturday nights at 10:30 PM


General Admission: $5


Running Time: 50 min


To make your reservation call (520) 327-4242

For more information go to

LIVE THEATRE WORKSHOP * 5317 E. Speedway * Tucson, AZ 85712

Located on the north side of Speedway between Rosemont and Craycroft



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