Friday, October 23, 2015

TSO presents the Vienna Boys Choir


For five centuries, the Vienna Boys Choir has entertained millions with their exceptionally beautiful singing. With a repertoire that includes favorite classical pieces, popular and contemporary songs, as well as lively International and Austrian folk tunes, they combine both the pure, angelic voices of youth with the power and polish of seasoned professionals.


With origins that trace back to 1498 (as court singers), the choir today is a very modern and forward-facing enterprise. For their February performances, the 24-voice touring choir's new choirmaster, Johannes Kobald, premieres an original composition he's written specifically for this tour. His Kyrie eleison combines modern elements of soul and jazz with the Gregorian Mass of the World. The piece highlights both the choir's heritage and the contemporary lives and musical influences of its young members.


An evening with the Vienna Boys Choir is an opportunity to witness a living tradition that stretches back half-a-millennia--as well as an entertaining concert experience of the highest caliber for discerning listeners of all ages.




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