Sunday, July 31, 2016

IFA August 2nd Meeting - Why On Earth Would I Enter A Film Festival?



From: Independent Film Arizona
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2016 12:44 PM
Subject: IFA August 2nd Meeting - Why On Earth Would I Enter A Film Festival?


Join IFA on August 2nd for Why On Earth Would I Enter A Film Festival?





            Why On Earth Would I Enter A Film Festival?

Tuesday, August 2nd at 7pm
Connect Coworking, Downtown
33 S Fifth Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701

Please join us for our next meeting, August 2nd, at 7pm at Connect Coworking. The topic of the meeting will be "Why On Earth Would I Enter A Film Festival?" and will be an overview of the pros and cons of entering your film projects to film festivals around the country and abroad. We will have three experts who will tell you, in an entertaining way, the steps to follow and what you should expect to happen when entering your projects in festivals.

IFA meetings are free and open to the public.

Philip Sedgwick
Philip wrote his first screenplay largely due to the prompting of a writer friend and his second script, Neon Cactus, landed a berth as a Quarter-Finalist in the Academy's esteemed Nicholl Fellowship (1990). Since then, thirty of his scripts & films have received acclaim in screenwriting contests, film festivals and writing fellowships.

-Adapting Louis: Writer 
-Thorns From a Rose: co-writer 
-Zunovian Invasion: co-writer

-Sunscreen West Film Festival, Best Short Film (writer), 2013 Mirage at Zabul Province (dir. N. Bettisworth)
-Prescott Film Festival, Director's Choice - Best Short Film (writer), 2013 Mirage at Zabul Province (dir. N. Bettisworth)
-Sedona Film Festival, Audience Choice, Best Short Film (tie, writer), 2014 Mirage at Zabul Province
-4th Annual Story Pros Awards, 1st Place, Action-Adventure, 2011 A Nuclear Option
-Independent Short Film and Music Arts Festival, Runner Up, 2010 The Tie, short screenplay
-Horror Screenplay Contest, 2nd Place, 2012 Scarecrow in the Snow

For more information, visit Philip's website:

Lesley Cessna-Kontowicz 
Shortly after graduating New York University's Tisch School of the Arts Cinema Studies program, Lesley served as script-supervisor on the 1993 Oscar-nominated film The Lady in Waiting before being lured away from NYC with the draw of a regular paycheck. That led to a successful 20-year career in advertising and publishing with two thriving Tucson publishers—Tucson Weekly and Madden Media. In 2010, Lesley left her executive position to return to her roots in filmmaking. She is an alumnus of the ScreenwritingU ProSeries program and has achieved recognition in the StoryPros International Screenplay Contest and the Beverly Hills Film Festival. When she's not writing scripts, she wears many hats as a script supervisor, Prescott Film Festival juror, Contest of Contest Winners judge, freelance content provider, editor, proof-reader, and marketer. She is a member of the respected Tucscreen Writers Group and Independent Film Arizona.

Mia Schnaible
Director of Marketing and Development for the Arizona International Film Festival

Mia has had many tasks in her 14 years with the Arizona International Film Festival. The Arizona International Film Festival is the oldest and longest running Film Festival in the state of Arizona. AIFF celebrated its 25th year this past April.

Some of the work Mia has done with AIFF:
-Responsible for all global marketing of the Festival
-Secures cash and in-kind sponsorships annually
-Developed the "Light Up the Marquee" Sponsorship campaign
-Negotiated a Hotel Discount with 5 local Hotels for festival attendees
-Created the Music Café program to highlight Tucson musicians
-Developed the VIP Discount program to reward Festival patrons and encourage local business patronage
-Recruited, supervised and trained AIFF and The Screening Room volunteers
-Coordinated the Festival Program advertising for seven years
-Handles AIFF outreach events, including the 4th Avenue Street Fair, Tucson Festival of Books and the Math, Science and Technology FunFest
-In charge of the AIFF social media
-Coordinates Filmmakers while they are in Tucson 
-Selected as "Staffer of the Decade" - 2012




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Audition Notice - St. Francis Theatre - Christmas SurvivalGuide


From: Sue []
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2016 12:14 PM
Subject: Audition Notice - St. Francis Theatre - Christmas SurvivalGuide



Christmas Survival Guide
by James Hindman and Ray Roderick

directed by Chach Snook

St. Francis Theatre (corner of Swan and River)

Saturday, August 13, 2-4 pm

Rm 30/31

This intimate revue takes a wry and knowing look at a stressful season. Armed with a copy of A Christmas Survival Guide and an optimistic attitude, the characters charge into an urban holiday landscape searching for the true essence of Christmas. In songs and vignettes, they learn to cope with the season in ways that are both hilarious and heartwarming.Auditionees should prepare one musical theatre or Christmas piece, not to exceed three minutes in length. Please bring your own sheet music. A piano accompanist will be provided. Karaoke CD's and a cappella auditions are discouraged.

Please bring an acting resume and headshot.


Cast is comprised of three women and two men with an approximate age range of 20 – 45.

All roles require versatility in order to play contrasting characters throughout the production. Most roles require a wide vocal range and ability to belt.

Ability to read music or learn musical arrangements rapidly is preferred but not required.

Ho Ho Hilarious!!



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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Roadrunner Theatre Company Audition - Beyond Therapy


From: Lawrence Fuller []
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2016 3:23 PM
Subject: Audition Notice - Beyond Therapy


A U D I T I O N   N O T I C E


"Beyond Therapy"

by Christopher Durang


Directed by Lawrence Fuller

for Roadrunner Theatre Company


Monday, August 1, 2016

6 pm - 8 pm

at Kirk-Bear Canyon Library

8959 E. Tanque Verde Rd., Tucson


Bring resume and headshot. Sides will be handed out at audition.

Needed 4 men and 2 women - Ages 25 to 45


For more information or questions


or call/text 520-272-8032







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Friday, July 29, 2016

FST! Presents: "Here Comes the Rain Again"

FST! Presents: "Here Comes the Rain Again"
August 10, 2016
The Flycatcher 
340 E 6th St  Tucson, AZ 85705

Next story submission:
August 24th, 2016
5:00 pm

We want to hear your story!
FST! has featured more than 70 unique storytellers, many of whom never told a story onstage before. We are always excited to welcome newcomers! Women and transgender folks of all ages, sizes, ethnicities and abilities are welcome to submit their stories.

Ask a Storyteller:
Email if you have any questions, or send us your FST! story idea or work-in-progress for an upcoming prompt if you would like feedback from an experienced FST! storyteller before our submission deadline.



Tucson Theatre Announcements List

Subscription information at




Thursday, July 28, 2016

Old Tucson Announces Nightfall & Seasonal Hiring Fair


From: Scott Madsen []
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 6:46 PM
Subject: Old Tucson - Nightfall Hiring Fair press release








For Immediate Release                                                                                  Media Inquiries:

July 28, 2016                                                                                     



Old Tucson Announces Nightfall & Seasonal Hiring Fair

Friday, August 26, 2016, 4:00pm – 7:00pm


                (Tucson AZ)  On Friday, August 26th, 2016, Old Tucson will host a hiring fair for its popular Halloween-themed Nightfall promotion as well as for seasonal daytime operation.  Old Tucson anticipates approximately 100 job openings for the popular Halloween-themed Nightfall event. 


                The hiring fair provides candidates an opportunity to present their resumes to representatives from one or more Old Tucson Company departments and to turn in their completed applications to Human Resources.  Available positions include:  cooks, bartenders, cashiers (food, merchandise, guest relations, cash office), security, street and atmosphere entertainers, attractions attendants and custodial. 


                The hiring fair will be held on Friday, August 26, 2016 from 4:00pm to 7:00pm at Old Tucson, 201 S. Kinney Rd., Tucson, AZ 85735. 


        Applicants are encouraged to complete an application in advance. The Old Tucson Employment Application is available online at

        Candidate parking will be available in the Main parking lot (not the Employee lot).

        From the Old Tucson entrance, candidates will be directed to the Grand Palace Hotel for check-in.

        Upon arrival, candidates will be required to complete an employment application if they have not yet completed one. 

        Interviews will be conducted in several locations inside Old Tucson.


Due to Nightfall operating hours and related labor laws, Nightfall employees must be age 16 years or older.  Due to the nature of our business, all Old Tucson Company positions are designated as safety-sensitive positions.  Old Tucson Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug-Free Workplace. 


#   #   #



Friday, August 26, 2016 

4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM

Old Tucson Front Entrance
201 S Kinney Rd, Tucson AZ 85735


·         NIGHTFALL 2016 AND/OR 


(Due to Nightfall operating hours and related labor laws, candidates must be 16 years or older, please.)

·         Bartenders (Title 4 AZ Liquor Law training certification required; See for info)

·         Cashiers including Admissions, Cash/Finance Office, Food Service, Gift Shops

·         Cook/Dishwashers

·         Custodians

·         Entertainment Haunted Characters, (includes Haunted Attractions Characters, Street Atmosphere Characters, Stilt-walkers, “Horror make-up enthusiasts”)

·         Parking Lot Attendants

·         Attractions Attendants

·         Security Guards

·         Show Technicians

·         And other possible openings if they occur!

We recommend you download, complete, save, print and bring an application to the fair.  Resumes are optional in addition to mandatory applications.  Email your application ( and resume in advance, too, if you can!

All of the above positions are designated as safety sensitive positions.  Old Tucson Company is an EOE and a drug-free workplace.


Applications are available online at




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Subscription information at



Sketch Comedy at Unscrewed Theater July 30


Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 1:54 PM
Subject: Sketch Comedy at Unscrewed Theater July 30


Sketch Comedy at Unscrewed Theater July 30



Our Funny Shorts 2…As the prophecies HAVE AGAIN foretold!

Saturday, July 30 at 9:30pm. Tickets: $5.00

An evening of original live sketches and short films from a number of the very funniest people from Unscrewed Theater…AND BEYOND!

Join us to discover if gifted improv performers with questionable memories can write, remember and perform fabulous sketch comedy! All sketches written by local Tucson writers and performed by local Tucson actors.

Some material not suitable for children.

Other material not suitable for adults.

Unscrewed Theater is located at 3244 E. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85716 (across from The Loft Cinema, next to Fronomo's). Parking and entrance are located in the rear of the building. Turn in to the Walgreen's parking lot and go to the left around the building.

Online ticket sales end at 5:45pm on the day of the show.

Unscrewed Theater is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching, performing, and producing all forms of live improvisational theater in Tucson, AZ.



Tucson Theatre Announcements List

Subscription information at




Wednesday, July 27, 2016


By Chuck Graham,

“Two Saturdays in June” starts out innocently enough at APCOT Theatre as a domestic drama of frustrated emotions and sibling rivalries, a mother and her adult daughter unhappy with each other in 1965.

But in the next scene, the play leaps back in time – to 1950 – when the daughter is now a pre-adolescent who feels constantly trivialized by her dominating mom. Not in an obvious way, but in the million small ways that a parent can telegraph her favoritism for one sibling over the others.

The third scene takes us back to 1965 and we see the same mother and daughter in the same room, but now we see their personalities with a little more twisted depth.

Local playwright and fiction writer Sydney Flynn is exploring a facet of family life that is rarely examined in theater: how the almost unconscious actions of parents can become permanent parts of the personalities their children develop.

Being subservient, being unruly, plotting revenge, all are attitudes that can sprout from ideas toddlers learn by watching their mothers. Flynn's use of this time-traveling concept is a brilliant way to portray how sins of the parents are visited upon their young.

APCOT Theater is a new performance space and home of the equally new Tucson Alliance of Dramatic Artists, or as they love to alphabetize it, TADA!, with an exclamation point at the end.

TADA! is the dream of founding artistic director Sheldon Metz to form a company “created by theater people producing original scripts of never-performed plays that are relevant to the actors, directors, designers and stage crews.”

These plays will be chosen to suit “all ages, children to adults, presenting audiences with fresh, new theatrical productions.”

If “Two Saturdays in June” is an example of TADA!'s future, there will be lots of audiences finding their way to APCOT Theatre, 8892 E. Tanque Verde Road. APCOT stands for Alliance Performance Center of Tucson.

Sharing the directing duties for this one are Jennifer Scott and Metz. Scott also has the major role of Denise, the child in 1950 who becomes the sealed off and bitter adult in 1965, headed toward that final confrontation with her mother, Gloria (Karen McGraw).

Adding an additional layer of depth and distortion is Linda Andresano returning to the stage after a lengthy absence to play Clara, the mother of Gloria.

The gist of the plot is that Denise never felt truly loved by Gloria, who adored Denise's older sister who died young in a car accident. Gloria adamantly denies this, but then we see how Gloria felt unappreciated by her own mother, Clara, because Clara had to give up her dreams of a career in vaudeville in order to raise Gloria.

The three women, representing three generations with their radically different standards of morality and “proper” behavior, play their roles like a chamber trio turning these individual parts into a layered piece of intricate emotions.

Eavesdropping on audience conversation at intermission and afterward, it seemed like several people grew up thinking “Mom liked you best.” Only, to them it wasn't a joke.

This is the first full production of “Two Saturdays in June,” which has been in several years of development at Old Pueblo Playwrights. There are some rough spots as any new play will have. This coltish feeling is a part of the excitement in seeing new work. TADA! is off to a strong start.

"Two Saturdays in June" continues through July 31 with performances at 7:30 p.m. Fridays-Saturdays, 2:30 p.m. Sundays, at APCOT Theatre, 8892 E. Tanque Verde Road.

Tickets are $18 adults, $15 seniors and students; group rates available, call 520-838-0011, ext. 2. Purchase tickets online, 800-838-3006, or www.APCOT.brownpapertickets (search for "Two Saturdays in June")


Upton Abbey opens this Friday at The Comedy Playhouse


Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 12:08 PM
Subject: The Uptons Come to the Playhouse


The Comedy Playhouse


Come for the fun of it!



It's pandemonium in the house of Lord and Lady Upton!!  Delphine needs to find a proper camp for her Girl Guide troop.  George needs a new tennis partner and some advice about the fairer sex.  Aunt Julia bemoans never being able to get a cup of tea.  Lady Felicity is planning a seance while Lord Charles deals with the persnickety tax men. 
How will the Uptons handle all of their problems?  It's Giles, the new butler, to the rescue! 

James Gooden's farcical Upton Abbey opens this Friday, July 29, at 7:30 and runs until Sunday, September 11 at 3:00.  You can call Nell at 520-270-9310 to make your reservations for this show. 


The Comedy Playhouse

3620 N. 1st Ave

Tucson, Az 85719


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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Boz Scaggs Headlines Fox Tucson Theatre Gala!




2016 Chasing Rainbows Gala

Featuring Boz Scaggs 


Members Only Pre-Sale - Wednesday, July 27th @ 12 Noon

Public On Sale - Friday, July 29th @ 12 Noon

Regular Tickets $75

VIP Tickets $300 (Includes Pre-Concert Dinner, VIP Seating, 

Post-Show Reception & Valet Parking)

Sponsorships Start at $1000 (Call Kim at 624-1515 ext. 100 for more information)






Chris Isaak has a reputation as a supreme showman and one of the funniest live performers today. Isaak is a non-stop touring Grammy nominated singer-songwriter, actor and talk show host. 






In My Life - A Musical Theatre Tribute to the Beatles is an award winning, smash hit musical biography of the Beatles and is widely considered by industry insiders to be the most unique Beatles show in decades!






Benefitting the Andra Heart Foundation

Fox Complimentary Passes are not valid for this show





In partnership with the UA Hanson Film Institute




General $7   |    Student/Senior/Active Duty Military $5

Fox Members can enjoy 2 complimentary film passes for each of our movies!*  

*Complimentary Film passes do not apply to the feature "Roman Holiday"







For a complete list of upcoming shows, classic films

and community events, visit


Gaslight Music Hall: Best of CCR! Starring Mike Yarema




Call now for

"Down on the Corner"

The Best of Creedence Clearwater Revival



Mike Yarema



This Weekend ONLY!

Saturday, July 30th

at 3:00 & 7:00pm


Call soon! The 7pm show is already sold out!



Don't miss Down on the Corner- The Best of Creedence Clearwater Revival at the Gaslight Music Hall, starring Gaslight favorite, Mike Yarema. Hear all of your favorite hits, "Born on the Bayou", "Fortunate Son", "Proud Mary", "Who'll Stop the Rain", "Green River", any many more!


Bring your whole family to

"Beach Blanket Be-Bop"

A Summer Musical Revue



Thursdays through Summer!

Thursday, July 28th

at 7:00pm



Surf's Up! Grab your board and hang ten over to the Gaslight Music Hall for "Beach Blanket Be-Bop," a fun-filled musical comedy revue. This family-friendly frolic is chock full of beach bunnies, surf songs, and corny jokes galore! Come on a "Surfin' Safari" with our talented cast of singer/actors and a five-piece band as they belt out beachy favorites like "Summertime Blues," "Under The Boardwalk," "Help Me Rhonda" and many more. Catch a wave to the Gaslight Music Hall every Thursday for some air-conditioned family fun! 



Click the image below, to read a review by The Daily Wildcat!






Thursdays June 30- August 25

Beach Blanket Be-Bop








Saturday July 30

Down On The Corner-

The Best of

Creedence Clearwater Revival

(starring Mike Yarema)

3:00 and 7:00




Saturday August 6

Sing Me Back Home- The Legend Of Merle Haggard 






Saturday August 13

Remember The King- Elvis Through The Years

starring Robert Shaw & The Lonely Street Band 






Friday August 19

Boot Scootin' Country WesternDance Party 

with Buckboard 





Saturday August 20

The Music of the Blues Brothers 

starring Mike Yarema and Charlie Hall 





Saturday August 27

My Life 

starring David Fanning 





Saturday September 3

Big Band Express





Saturday September 10

Dream Lover- The Music Of Bobby Darin






Saturday September 17

At the Hop- A Salute to the Days of Doo-Wop





Saturday September 24

Your Cheatin' Heart- A Salute to Hank Williams Sr., Patsy Cline, & Classic Country






Saturday October 1 

Lisa Otey & The Desert Divas- Summer Of Love 





Friday October 14

Twist and Shout Dance Party





Saturday October 15

Homeward Bound- Best of Simon and Garfunkel

starring Mike Yarema and Walker Foard





October 21-24

An Evening with Cher, Elton, Midler, & Streisand

starring World Famous Impersonators THE EDWARDS TWINS

(Times Vary)




December 3

Have Yourself A Jazzy Little Christmas


3:00 and 7:00



We're adding new shows to the Music Hall schedule daily, make sure you visit the website and Facebook often.



Please call (520) 529-1000 to purchase tickets Online go to We look forward to seeing you soon at The Gaslight Music Hall in Oro Valley!







Don't forget to sign up for the Gaslight Music Hall email list for exclusive discounts and special offers you won't find anywhere else.

Sign up for Below For Concert updates, Coupons and more!


Click Here to Sign Up!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Gaslight Theatre: Christmas in July Sale! Free Gift card with purchase.




This SALE only comes twice a year! 

Don't miss it!









Click here to see more info.




  • The Beatles music of Paul MacCartney - Mike Yarema - 8/1/2016 at 7PM
  • Born to Run in The USA- 8/8/16 at 7pm​
  • David Fanning- 8/22/16 at 7pm
  • Music of The Blues Brothers- 9/5/16 at 3 & 7pm



Artifact Dance Project: 4 X 4 = 4 Choreographers and 4 Composers!


From: Artifact Dance Project <>
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 11:27 AM
Subject: 4 X 4 = 4 Choreographers and 4 Composers!





4 x 4

Artifact Dance Project Studios
17 E. Toole Ave.
Friday August 12, 7:30pm
Saturday August 13, 7:30pm

$15.00 General Admission
Concert length: approximately 1 hour with no intermission

Four choreographers create new works to music by four classical composers. The showcase features members of Artifact Dance Project's companies, ADP I and ADP II, along with the national and international attendees of the 2016 ADP Summer Intensive. German composers Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart serve as inspiration for choreographers and summer intensive guest dance faculty José De La Cruz (NYC) and Joshua Blake Carter (Chicago). Artifact Dance Project Artistic Directors Ashley Bowman and Claire Hancock choreograph works by Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich and Italian Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti. Come and enjoy the culmination of three weeks of training and creating in the newly renovated ADP studio space.


Purchase Tickets!



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