Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tucson: CYT Tucson looking for class and rehearsal accompanists - paid


From: Kathy Thuerbach [mailto:kthuerbach@cyttucson.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 10:02 AM
Subject: Please Post


CYT Tucson now looking for class and rehearsal accompanists.  Must have experience working with children in live musical theater and must be an excellent sight-reader and must be of extremely high character and moral fiber!


This is a paid gig!  Please send resumes to:  kthuerbach@cyttucson.org   For more information about our organization, see our website at www.cyttucson.org


Kathy Thuerbach
Executive Director, CYT Tucson
520-751-7510 (office)
520-751-6465 (fax)



Tucson Theatre Announcements List

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