Monday, December 21, 2020

Communication Method for Actors: CMFA Free Mini Lesson & More


From: Faith Hibbs-Clark, Founder <>
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 1:12 PM
Subject: CMFA Free Mini Lesson & More


Hi, there Friend! I am so excited to be able to reach out to you wherever you may be right now and share with you some insights from my










CMFA Free Mini Lesson

& More








Hi, there Friend!

I am so excited to be able to reach out to you wherever you may be right now and share with you some insights from my very own Communication Method for Actors which combines the art of communication with the science of psychology to help you master your auditions with confidence!  


If my acting science is new to you, try dipping your toes in by registering for my next CMFA Discovery Seminar or jump right in with my 4-week CMFA Film Auditioning Foundations workshop!


I look forward to being a support to you and helping you to exceed your acting goals this year!


Sincerely Yours, 

Faith HIbbs-Clark, CMFA Founder

Casting Director for 20+ Years

Good Faiht Casting, LLC



Learn More













The Secret Every Actor Should Know About Callbacks!


I am going to tell you a secret about callbacks that most actors don't know. In fact, I hear a lot of professionals say the complete opposite when talking to actors about callbacks. What I am about to tell you is probably going to fly in the face of a lot of what you have heard before. This little known fact will surprise you. Best of all, it is rooted in science!


First, you have to understand a concept called THE PRIMACY EFFECT. It is a phenomenon that says that the human brain remembers the first of things and tends to have a cognitive bias towards those things. For example, you remember your first love, your first dance, your first car, etc. Your brain remembers these things because the information was new and unique to the brain, which formed an impression when imprinting in memory.


The same is true for you when you audition. Your first impression on the director can not be recaptured and the impact it has on the director can not be repeated because it will no longer be new. When the director sees you perform again at a callback, your impression on the director is no longer new and novel. It will therefore NOT impact their brain in the same way it did.










What other's are saying!

The Communication Method for Actors was recently featured in the Casting Network News!  
























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