Tuesday, May 16, 2023

SCOUNDREL & SCAMP THEATRE 24-7 PLAY FESTIVAL call for participation

From August 11-12th, in just 24 hours, 7 new 10-minute plays will be written and performed before an audience, with artists from theaters throughout the Tucson community invited to write, direct, and act.


What is the Festival?

A celebration of the theater creative process!

On Friday night, August 11th, at 10:00 PM, seven playwrights (or playwriting teams) will be given a common prompt for plays (a starting line, a prop, a situation) and the gender/age compositions of their assigned cast. Their coffee cups will be filled and they will be given the directive that they can leave the writing chambers only when handing over a completed 10-minute play — or the arrival of 6am, whichever comes first.

On Saturday morning, August 12th, at 8:00 AM, the other artists — 7 directors and 14+ actors — arrive to discover their new scripts, roles, and assignments.

At noon, we’ll begin the tech process.

At 6:30pm, the first audience begins to arrive in preparation for a 7:00 PM curtain. A second showing will occur at 9:00 PM.

At the conclusion of the festival, a mini-awards ceremony will be held to celebrate the audiences’ and artists’ favorites.

Do you want to participate?

If you are an actor, director, or writer, and you would like to participate in the 24-7 Festival, please fill out the form below before May 31, 2023. Please note that space is limited and filling out the form does not guarantee participation.

Clink here and fill out the form: https://scoundrelandscamp.org/24-7-festival



TucsonStage home: www.TucsonStage.com

Recent announcements: http://tucsonstage.blogspot.com/




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