Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Free Webinar on Stanislavsky and Actor Training for Film


From: Philip Bennett <philipgbennett@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2024 3:14 PM
Subject: FW: A Free Webinar on Stanislavsky and Actor Training for Film


Dear Friends,

              Perhaps you may be interested to watch this Webinar this coming Friday.

The presentation by Dr. Sharon Marie Carnicke, a friend and colleague for many years, and the link is referred to below.

Best Wishes,


Philip (Felipe)

Philip G. Bennett

Founder/Artistic Director






From: Sharon M Carnicke [mailto:carnicke@usc.edu]
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2024 4:47 PM
To: Sharon Marie Carnicke <carnicke@gmail.com>
Subject: A Free Webinar on Stanislavsky and Actor Training for Film


Dear Friends and colleagues,


I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.


I am delighted to invite you to attend THE S-WORD: STANISLAVSKY AND ACTOR TRAINING FOR THE SCREEN this Friday, May 31. The symposium is a free online webinar hosted by the University of East London. Events begin at 8 am in LA (11 am NYC, and 4 pm London).


There will be presentations by international teachers, practitioners and scholars exploring aspects of Stanislavsky’s work concerning how we train performers for working on screen.


The event will include a keynote presentation by yours truly, “Professor Sharon Marie Carnicke, an internationally acclaimed expert and master teacher, whose recent publications include Dynamic Acting through Active Analysis (Bloomsbury, 2023).


My keynote is at 9:45 am LA (12:25 NYC and 5:45 pm London) and features a workshop on playable verbs with the actors Joelle Re Arp-Dunham, Grigor Panosyan, and Keith Day!


You can register to get the link here.


Hope to see you there,



Sharon Marie Carnicke

Professor, Dramatic Arts and Slavic Languages and Literatures

University of Southern California, School of Dramatic Arts

Founder: The Stanislavsky Institute for the 21st Century

Author: “Dynamic Acting through Active Analysis”, “Stanislavsky in Focus”, “Chekhov: 4 Plays and 3 Jokes” (translator), “Checking out Chekhov”, and “Reframing Screen Performance” (co-author).



TucsonStage home: www.TucsonStage.com

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