Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Odyssey Storytelling Presents: Odyssey Storytelling Presents:



Thursday, May 7, 2015

Odyssey Storytelling Presents:


Curated by Molly McCloy

Doors open at 6:30 p.m., Show starts at 7:00 p.m.

The Screening Room, 

127 E. Congress Street, Tucson, $8


Rival. Thwarter. Jack-wagon. Jerk. You can call your nemesis any nasty name you want, but inevitably you are the one who is changed by your engagement with the enemy.


Sometimes a foe's challenge can inspire your heroism. But facing our nemeses can also mean sinking to their level--you fight dirty with more dirty. Sometimes you champion the common good. And sometimes you write snarky notes to the guy who steals your sandwiches from the company fridge. 


Come hear stories of how we deal with backstabbers, debasers, and straight-up haters. And find out how we're forever altered--or compromised--in the process.


Storytellers: Poet, Songwriter, Journalist, and Pima CC Writing Faculty Maggie Golston; UA Filmmaker and Pathological Explorer Rob Gonzalez; Pediatrician Tracey Kurtzman; Mother and Feminist Rabble-Rouser Tamara Sargus; Writer, Belly Dancer, and Pima CC Writing Faculty Brooke Anderson; Food Critic, Small Business Owner, and Pima CC Writing Faculty April Burge

Storyteller Bios:  

Tracey Kurtzman is a securely imperfect woman, wife, and mother who lives by the rule: "If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong." In her real life, she’s a pediatrician at El Rio Community Health Center where she cares for underserved families and children with chronic illness, and teaches doctors-in-training.  In her fantasy life, she’s a Broadway actress who can sing and dance and has legs like Tina Turner. She lives in a home that also houses a one sexy husband, two nerdy kids, three barky mutts, and four struggling spice plants (curse you, thyme!). She is especially proud of the fact that she can say "Thank you" in fifteen languages, sixteen if you count Pig Latin.

Robert Gonzalez is determined that his last words will not be, “This might be a bad idea.” Even if that’s what everyone else is thinking. Basically born skiing, whitewater rafting, and rock-climbing, Rob is a firm believer that the places never wandered are where the best stories will be found. And if anything, Rob loves stories. Absorbing a movie a night, a book a week, and making and writing his own in his spare time, Rob desires nothing more than to fill his life with adventure. Visiting Vegas with nothing, but a Frisbee and four quarts of rum, exploring graffiti covered storm drains, backpacking into the desert for spur of the moment stargazing. All of these and more have had Rob rushing from one story to the next, either through the power of his own body and experience, or the power of his imagination and creativity. Life is nothing, but uncharted territory to Robert Gonzalez, and he plans on exploring every inch of it.

April Burge is a fourth generation Arizona native who grew up riding horses and living wild on a ranch in Southern Cochise County. In the summer months she spent her childhood with her grandparents in the remote Aravaipa Canyon Preserve. She’s lived coast-to-coast and worked in almost every industry known - from loading and shipping combine parts at a John Deere Factory to running a covert speakeasy as a golf cart beverage girl. As a former bartender and server, she has an alter ego in the restaurant business. She often reviews local flavor spots, and she works to broaden the palates of her two young children with her chef-husband, Brian. In her spare time she spends weekends in Aravaipa Canyon in hopes of carving out her organic farm, bed-and-breakfast, and writers retreat to pass down to her children – ages three and seven months. April is a self-proclaimed foodie, writer, mom, wife, and idea person. She regularly free-lances as a project manager and strategist for local companies. She’s a full time writing instructor at Pima College, and after working for over 20 years in food, marketing, and writing, she’s recently launched a freelance marketing and public relations company that caters to restaurants. She attended The University of Arizona for undergraduate and graduate work. She graduated from Northwest Missouri State University with a BA in English and from Northern Arizona State University with an MA in English. She has always been an avid storyteller and adventure-seeker amongst her eclectic group of friends.

More storyteller bios coming soon!

Curator:  Three-Time NYC Moth Slam Champion Molly McCloy


Venue: The Screening Room, 127 E. Congress Street, Tucson.

            Parking information found here, and a map identifying downtown parking areas here.



We’ve chosen themes for 2015 to make it easier for future 

storytellers to see where your favorite personal story will fit in.


Next Up 


June 4, 2015: “Taboo”

The Screening Room, 127 E. Congress, Tucson.

Do You have a story? Contact us!




Storytelling is a way to make connections with diverse and different people that you may not meet in your every day life. Because these stories are from our lives they may be amazing, messy, enlightening, disturbing, and entertaining . . . and more.



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