Thursday, October 15, 2020

Unscrewed Theater: Improv Classes and more...


From: Unscrewed Theater <>
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 10:00 AM
Subject: Just two more days!






Improv Classes - From ANYWHERE!



Wary of Online Improv Courses?
Let some of our students convince you!

We get it - living your life behind a computer screen is getting old.

Maybe you're new to the world of online classes.

Or maybe you're not sure how improv can work if you're not right there, in person, sharing laughs.

We're here to tell you that our improv Zoom classes are a 1,000% guaranteed fun-fest - and our courses and guest workshops we've been holding since April prove that our classes are just as much fun online as they are in person.

Even better - now that we're not restricted to one physical location, you can save on gas and expand your community of like-minded improvisers to connect with a global community.

But don't take our word for it - see what some of our students have to say!

Here's a few quotes directly from the video:

"In this weird, weird time that we're in I actually got to laugh...I created a sense of community, I met new people that I think I'll be forever connected with. It was worth EVERY minute I spent."

"One of the neat things is the variety of people you get to meet"

"I was exceedingly skeptical,,,and now that I've done a whole bunch of Zoom classes with people from all REALLY is delightful"

"I gotta tell ya...they're a lot of fun."

So if you or your loved ones (near and far!) are looking for something fun to shake off the mental fatigue and break out of your box, register for our next Improv Basics Course. It's eight weeks of laughter and fun that is guaranteed to lift your spirits and make you smile!

And - if you've already taken the basics course and are looking for more advanced courses, we've got options! From guest workshops to Musical Improv, our virtual training center is ready to make you laugh & connect with improvisers around the world.


Register for Online Improv Basics - $149, Starts Oct 17



Register for ImprovBlox: Musical Improv - $149, Starts Oct 17



Register for Liz Allen Oct/Nov Workshops - $180 for All 4



Visit Our Online Training Center




Your Weekend Funny

Basics Showcase + New Special Guests!






Improv Basics SHOWCASE

Cheer on the newest faces of improv as they strut their stuff in our online, live Improv Basics Showcase!

The newest Improv Basics Grads will perform on Zoom, straight from their homes to yours! You'll see what they've learned over the past 8 weeks - and maybe get inspired to take a class for yourself.

Register (FREE!):






Family-Friendly Improv Comedy

It's time for a SPECIAL GUEST improv night!

Thanks to Zoom & our new online format, we're able to welcome talented improvisers from EVERYWHERE to our virtual stage.

This week, our masterful improvisors are joined by very special guest Alex Taylor! Alex is a member of Miami's Black Improv Alliance. You might recognize him from his appearance on our stage back in August in a hilarious musical improv about a puma & a little girl

Alex will be joining NBOJU members Scott, Jon, Roseanne, Rob, Chris - & your host, Cy Barlow for a night of family-friendly improv fun that you can join from anywhere.

Register (FREE!):








Chain Reaction Is Coming

Get Ready for Our NEW Improv Event





This October 19, we're starting our Chain Reaction episodic improv! For five consecutive days on our Facebook, we'll be showing a two-person scene for three minutes. (Whew, that's a lotta numbers). Each day, a new duo will be playing the same characters from the day before. On the final day, we'll stitch together all five scenes to see how the full scene plays out. When it's all over, you'll get a 15-minute show that highlights how different improv duos treat the same basic characters and ideas. Trust us, you'll love it!

- FIVE days of scenes on Facebook
- THREE minutes per scene
- TWO different improvisers per day
- ONE supercut featuring all the episodes edited together.

And all this for FREE, and only on the Unscrewed Theater Facebook page.


Tucson Theatre Announcement List




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