Monday, February 15, 2010

Tucson: Casting Call, web series, Pizza Arizona

casting call (Tucson)

Date: 2010-02-15, 6:05PM MST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


Attn: Tucson actors. I am having the first round of casting this coming Sunday at the Pizza Hut at Speedway and swan at 8 pm. There are 13 main characters and many single scene parts. You can read more about the story and characters here Please RSVP if you plan to attend so I have a decent head count for ordering pizzas.
Keep in mind Most of the parts are for persons ages 22-35 who are in relatively good shape. There is a lot of adult language.

  • Location: Tucson
  • Compensation: Dending sale of series
  • This is a contract job.
  • Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
  • Please, no phone calls about this job!
  • Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.


There will be an entire website created for all kinds interaction with viewers. Examples would be Tips on becoming a successful pizza delivery driver. How much to tip a driver . What happens if you don't tip a driver...etc..


Here is a short list of characters and the name of the company.


Company name: Pizza Arizona AKA Pizza az.


Driver meetings are held at a place called MAD Cow Burgers. Who specializes in Mad Cow Shakes and Mad Cow  Patties.


PD: lead driver and sort of the guy who controls all the other drivers and one of the three knights of the lair. The lair is a neighborhood bar and grill.


Mickey: The most hygienically vile person you will ever meet and an extreme misogynist. Although in his fantasy world he sees his self exactly opposite.


Sven: a vegetarian who will eat meat if the price is right. Originally written to be played by a black man but was cast as a woman.


Sue: Bar maid that has a crush on PD.


Taffy: A woman who has a strange relationship with PD.


Luke: A constantly drunk assistant manager. A character to develop.


Shouen: Another store manager who hates Mickey. (This can be an entire story in the future.)


Anita Johnson: Store manager and just a bitch.


Ronnie: the dish washer.


Cutter: The pizza cut table guy. (Never speaks)


Various customers and many cameos to be written into the plot.


Tucson Theatre Announcements List

In association with  Chuck Graham's "Let The Show Begin" at
Visit the website for Chuck's reviews and TTA Archive and subscription information.



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