Thursday, March 03, 2011

Tucson: ACTING WORKSOP MARCH 19 with Steve Anderson


From: Steve Anderson []
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 4:21 PM



a workshop for actors


March 19 from 1-5 p.m.

The Red Monkey Studio (SE Corner of Campbell & Skyline)

Fee:  $60

Space limited to 8 participants



“Steve’s brilliance is in the simplicity of what he teaches; it has been invaluable to 

my development as an actor.”  

-Aaron Seever, Phoenix Actor


“I know a gifted teacher when I see one; Steve is that to a superlative degree.”  

-Patrick Baliani, Playwright/Professor, University of Arizona Honor’s College


“If there’s a better teacher within 500 miles...or a thousand miles, I’d like to know who it is.”  -David Greenwood, Actor



What draws an audience (or casting director) to one performer over another?  Is it technique?  Is it an interesting look?  Is it vocal quality?  All of these things play into our perception of a performance in some way, but the core element of most magnetic performances is the actor’s state of being and their connection to the world of the character.


This 4-hour workshop assists the actor in finding the ultimate state of being for relaxed, focused, connected, and impulsive work.  We will pay particular attention to relaxation and kinesthetic awareness with an introduction to Tanaka Min, a little-known but extraordinary relaxation technique.


This work often results in major breakthroughs because it sheds the tension that constrains impulsiveness and creativity, and allows the actor to experience something that is often hard to come by...true stillness, true connection, and the sense of peace and freedom that comes from it.  This alone allows the performer to be radiant and compelling without any notion that the performance has to be forced or pushed.


To register, call Steve at 520.981.0145 or email


For more info, please visit


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