Sunday, April 03, 2016

Immediate casting call, PSA filming Sunday - a few more people to read a slam poem.


From: Tamar Rala Kreiswirth []
Sent: Saturday, April 2, 2016 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: Looking for a few people to film a PSA tomorrow



Public Information Film looking for a few more people to read a slam poem.


I am assisting in shooting a Public Information Film tomorrow, Sunday April 3.

We are hoping to do the filming around 1pm

The location will be in downtown.


The PSA will be performed as a slam poem.  There are 12 stanzas. Each person will read one stanza.  It will be read in a very fast paced rhythm and requires someone who can speak very clearly, is comfortable in front of the camera, can memorize 4 lines with only an hour rehearsal.


We are looking for a diverse set of people who represent our Tucson community.


The PSA is opposing Prop 123 and will be linked to youtube, facebook and sent out as an email campaign to voters in AZ.  It may also be linked to other websites.


Please reply by email to:


Please provide any link you may have to your voice, your photo.


There is no pay...sorry.



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