Tuesday, February 05, 2013

ATC'sCafé Bohemia presents Ghetto Babylon

Café Bohemia

ATC’s New Play Reading Series

Hear original plays at the Temple Lounge in Tucson!

Ghetto Babylon

by Michael Mejias
2012 National Latino Playwriting Award Winner

February 9, 2013 at 9:30 p.m.

Charlie is a Puerto Rican kid from the South Bronx projects having the little league summer he and his teammates have dreamed about forever. When he gets accepted to the prestigious Phillips Exeter Academy, he's ecstatic. The only problem is that he has to be there on the same day of the Bronx-Wide Championship. Figures, right? Suddenly, the clock is ticking on Charlie's summer and maybe even on the rest of his life. Who can he turn to? How about The Catcher in the Rye?


Temple of Music and Art

330 S. Scott Avenue (Downtown Tucson)

(520) 622-2823 (Box Office)


Tickets: http://www.arizonatheatre.org/ticket-information/choose-type-of-tickets/




Tucson Theatre Announcements List

Subscription information at TucsonStage.com


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